StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Database status

Last ratings update March 13, 2025, 12:51 a.m. (UTC +0000) (log)
Game data 1019331 games, 465942 matches
Wings of Liberty 152967 games (15.01%), 70970 matches (15.23%)
Heart of the Swarm 193512 games (18.98%), 95968 matches (20.60%)
Legacy of the Void 672852 games (66.01%), 299004 matches (64.17%)
Online 878106 games (86.15%), 404423 matches (86.80%)
Offline 141225 games (13.85%), 61519 matches (13.20%)
Matches with event info 464755 (99.75%)
Uncatalogued matches 3004 (0.64%)
Players 23350, of which 1501 Koreans (6.43%)
Teams 521, of which 136 active

Top submitters

  • 1. Kashim 216964
  • 2. Inflicted 60786
  • 3. Shellshock 51612
  • 4. kiekaboe 32656
  • 5. Seigifried 17642
  • 6. MasterOfPuppets 8860
  • 7. Prillan 5743
  • 8. Conti 5714
  • 9. Greenmash 5309
  • 10. Grovbolle 3665
  • 11. imData 3299
  • 12. TheBB 2964
  • 13. r3sp 2403
  • 14. freeamount 1903
  • 15. Nebuchad 1506
  • 16. Sabre 1430
  • 17. Tempest 1343
  • 18. slowbacontron 1244
  • 19. PhoenixVoid 1081
  • 20. hewo 803
  • 21. Boucot 603
  • 22. Kalpman 357
  • 23. KristofferAG 290
  • 24. HyperONE 220
  • 25. Djsoke 169
  • 26. Hotspur 130
  • 27. FrozENDruiD 124
  • 28. Otolia 90
  • 29. swz 79
  • 30. Susurrus 57
  • 31. Partouf 45
  • 32. travisyang 38
  • 33. Delphi 32
  • 34. djraphi23 28
  • 35. karljayg 20
  • 36. Bockwurst 19
  • 37. scisyhp 8
  • 38. acoolguy 5
  • 39. Wodger 4
  • 40. Samantha 3

Database dump

You can download a PostgreSQL dump here (1879.5 MiB) or here (341.4 MiB gzipped), current as of March 13, 2025, 3:05 a.m. (UTC +0000). It is free to use for non-commercial purposes if you credit this website when doing so.

The dump contains 11 tables. Some columns are foreign keys to tables that have been removed from the dump (primarily involving user accounts). Everything given below is in terms of PostgreSQL standards.


Contains player information.

Name Definition Description
id integer not null primary key
tag character varying(30) not null in-game name of the player
name character varying(100) real name
birthday date birthday
mcnum integer MC number
tlpd_id integer external TLPD ID
tlpd_db integer bit-flag value denoting which TLPD databases this player is in (1 = KR WoL, 2 = IN WoL, 4 = HotS, 8 = HotS beta, 16 = WoL beta)
lp_name integer title of Liquipedia page (the part after
sc2e_id integer external ID
country character varying(2) ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country code
race character varying(1) not null P, T or Z for normal races, R for random and S for race switcher
dom_val double precision their PP score (see Hall of Fame for explanation)
dom_start_id integer foreign key to period (start of PP-period)
dom_end_id integer foreign key to period (first period after end of PP-period)
current_rating_id integer foreign key to rating (should link to the latest published rating of the player)


Contains game information.

Name Definition Description
id integer not null primary key
period_id integer not null foreign key to period (the period this match was played in)
date date not null when the match was played (often approximate)
pla_id integer not null foreign key to player (player A)
plb_id integer not null foreign key to player (player B)
sca smallint not null score for player A
scb smallint not null score for player B
rca character varying(1) not null race for player A (not necessarily same as pla.race, S is not allowed)
rcb character varying(1) not null race for player B (not necessarily same as plb.race, S is not allowed)
treated boolean not null true if the match has been rated
event character varying(200) not null tournament, round, group etc. (superceded by eventobj_id if latter is not null)
eventobj_id integer foreign key to event (supercedes event field)
submitter_id integer foreign key to a table removed from the dump
game character varying(200) not null game version used (WoL, HotS, LotV)
offline boolean not null whether this match was played offline
rta_id integer foreign key to rating (rating of player A at the time of the match)
rtb_id integer foreign key to rating (rating of player B at the time of the match)


Contains event information. Events are organized in a tree as defined by the eventadjacency table. “Event” in this case means anything from organizer, season, tournament, round (including qualifiers), group, days and weeks, etc.

Name Definition Description
id integer not null primary key
name character varying(100) not null name of this node
parent_id integer parent node
lft integer deprecated
rgt integer deprecated
closed boolean not null whether the event is finished or not
big boolean not null whether the event is considered large (many games)
noprint boolean not null whether this event should be skipped in the fullname of descendants
fullname character varying(500) not null full name of this event (including names of ancestors)
homepage character varying(200) URL of the event website
lp_name character varying(200) title of Liquipedia page (the part after
tlpd_id integer external TLPD ID
tlpd_db integer bit-flag value denoting which TLPD databases this event is in: (1 = KR WoL, 2 = IN WoL, 4 = HotS, 8 = HotS beta, 16 = WoL beta)
tl_thread integer forum thread ID
prizepool boolean whether this event has an associated prizepool (NULL if unknown)
earliest date date of earliest match
latest date date of latest match
category character varying(50) team, individual or frequent (only set for root nodes)
type character varying(50) not null category, event (i.e. tournament) or round (you can assume that ancestors of events are always categories and that descendants of events are always rounds)
idx integer not null sorting index


Contains the tree information for events. There is a row here for every ancestor-descendant relationship. This table contains the transitive closure, so links of any distance are listed.

Name Definition Description
id integer not null primary key
parent_id integer not null foreign key to event
child_id integer not null foreign key to event
distance integer how many edges between the nodes


Contains rating information.

Name Definition Description
id integer not null primary key
period_id integer not null foreign key to period
player_id integer not null foreign key to player
rating double precision not null current rating
rating_vp double precision not null current rating delta vP
rating_vt double precision not null current rating delta vT
rating_vz double precision not null current rating delta vZ
dev double precision not null current RD
dev_vp double precision not null current RD vP
dev_vt double precision not null current RD vT
dev_vz double precision not null current RD vZ
comp_rat double precision performance rating in this period
comp_rat_vp double precision performance rating vP in this period
comp_rat_vz double precision performance rating vT in this period
comp_rat_vt double precision performance rating vZ in this period
bf_rating double precision not null smoothed rating
bf_rating_vp double precision not null smoothed rating vP
bf_rating_vt double precision not null smoothed rating vT
bf_rating_vz double precision not null smoothed rating vZ
bf_dev double precision smoothed RD
bf_dev_vp double precision smoothed RD vP
bf_dev_vt double precision smoothed RD vZ
bf_dev_vz double precision smoothed RD vT
position integer rank
position_vp integer rank vP
position_vt integer rank vT
position_vz integer rank vZ
decay integer not null number of periods since last game
domination double precision rating gap to number 7 (used in the Hall of Fame)
prev_id integer foreign key to rating; previous rating for this player


A period represent a discrete time interval used for rating computation purposes.

Name Definition Description
id integer not null primary key
start date starting date (inclusive)
end date ending date (inclusive)
computed boolean not null whether this period has been rated
needs_recompute boolean not null whether this period needs re-rating (something has changed)
num_retplayers integer not null number of returning players
num_newplayers integer not null number of new players
num_games integer not null number of games played
dom_p double precision OP-score for Protoss
dom_t double precision OP-score for Terran
dom_p double precision OP-score for Zerg


Contains group information (for now, this means teams).

Name Definition Description
id integer not null primary key
name character varying (100) not null name of group
shortname character varying (25) short name of group
scoreak double precision all-kill score (if team)
scorepl double precision proleague score (if team)
founded date date founded
disbanded date date disbanded
active boolean not null whether the group is active
homepage character varying (200) URL of team website
lp_name character varying (200) title of Liquipedia page (the part after
is_team boolean not null whether this group is a proper team
is_manual boolean not null whether this group has manually added members or not (currently has no effect, there are no automatic groups)


Links teams and players together in a many-to-many relationship.

Name Definition Description
id integer not null primary key
player_id integer not null foreign key to player
group_id integer not null foreign key to group
start date start date of membership
end date end date of membership
current boolean not null whether the membership is in effect (many end dates are unknown, so this is needed)
playing boolean not null whether the player is a playing member (false for coaches, among others)


Contains prize pool information. Each row represents a single payout to a single player.

Name Definition Description
id integer not null primary key
event_id integer not null foreign key to event
player_id integer not null foreign key to player
earnings integer amount in USD at the time of the win
origearnings numeric(20,8) amount in original currency
currency character varying(30) not null currency code
placement integer not null place in the event


Contains aliases for teams and players (common nicknames and shortened names.)

Name Definition Description
id integer not null primary key
name character varying(100) the alias
player_id integer foreign key to player
group_id integer foreign key to group


Contains messages associated with some objects, containing perhaps relevant information.

Name Definition Description
id integer not null primary key
type character varying(10) not null info, warning, sucess or error
message character varying(1000) not null text describing this message
params character varying(1000) not null parameters for string interpolation
player_id integer foreign key to player
event_id integer foreign key to event
group_id integer foreign key to group
match_id integer foreign key to match


Contains stories (dots plotted in some players' rating charts.)

Name Definition Description
id integer not null primary key
player_id integer not null foreign key to player
message character varying(1000) not null text describing this story
params character varying(1000) not null parameters for string interpolation
date date not null when it happened
event_id integer foreign key to event (if applicable)