StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to TheGoonSquad's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

41.67% (5/12)
961 ± 160
50.00% (3/6)
974 ± 226
25.00% (1/4)
934 ± 226
50.00% (1/2)
975 ± 226
961 ± 160
974 ± 226
934 ± 226
975 ± 226
All 973 ± 160 on Aug. 8, 2012
vP 985 ± 198 (#None) on Oct. 3, 2012
vT 960 ± 226 on Aug. 8, 2012
vZ 984 ± 172 (#774) on Oct. 17, 2012
Race Protoss
Country New Zealand
Full name Matthew Wah
AKA MattyNZ, Matty
First match June 6, 2012
Last match Oct. 22, 2012
Total earnings $200
Matches played 8 (37.50% offline)
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 1029

Most recent results

Date Player A Score Player B
10/22/2012 TheGoonSquad NZ P 0–1 Z AU Cauldronic WoL online
10/15/2012 985 TheGoonSquad NZ P 0–1 P AU Pezz 960 WoL online
10/15/2012 958 TheGoonSquad NZ P 1–0 Z AU NovaX 990 WoL online
09/17/2012 960 TheGoonSquad NZ P 0–1 T PH Dane 846 WoL online
09/17/2012 985 TheGoonSquad NZ P 1–0 P AU Nomad 998 WoL online
06/06/2012 TheGoonSquad NZ P 2–0 P NZ Phantom 1021 WoL offline
06/06/2012 TheGoonSquad NZ P 1–2 T NZ Tileä 981 WoL offline
06/06/2012 TheGoonSquad NZ P 0–2 P NZ Kowi 1069 WoL offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Team Iris Feb. 6, 2013 no