StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Plague's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

29.63% (8/27)
867 ± 160
42.86% (3/7)
899 ± 226
14.29% (1/7)
845 ± 226
30.77% (4/13)
855 ± 226
867 ± 160
899 ± 226
845 ± 226
855 ± 226
All 999 ± 122 (#605) on July 8, 2015
vP 1018 ± 226 on Sept. 2, 2015
vT 980 ± 174 (#792) on July 8, 2015
vZ 999 ± 201 (#619) on July 8, 2015
Race Protoss
Country Italy
Full name Marco Macrì
First match July 1, 2015
Last match May 6, 2018
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 10721

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
05/06/2018 857 Plague IT P 0–1 T RU samoZLO LotV online
02/15/2018 922 Plague IT P 0–1 P IT PetrusV 984 LotV online
11/02/2017 869 Plague IT P 0–1 T FI WoodedMicrob 885 LotV online
11/02/2017 850 Plague IT P 1–0 Z NL Amanda 923 LotV online
05/04/2017 859 Plague IT P 1–0 T BE Rey 979 LotV online
04/15/2017 909 Plague IT P 0–1 P RU KpeHgeJlb 1040 LotV online
03/06/2017 877 Plague IT P 0–1 T NO HeltEn 1143 LotV online
02/20/2017 868 Plague IT P 0–1 Z CH Cammelot 1085 LotV online
08/18/2016 939 Plague IT T 0–1 P US FxyCleopatra 1021 LotV online
07/11/2016 905 Plague IT T 0–1 Z IT Azarot 990 LotV online