StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Kelso's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

24.24% (16/66)
846 ± 160
28.57% (4/14)
841 ± 226
20.00% (4/20)
825 ± 226
18.52% (5/27)
873 ± 226
846 ± 160
841 ± 226
825 ± 226
873 ± 226
All 1038 ± 160 on April 13, 2016
vP 1033 ± 226 on April 13, 2016
vT 1040 ± 226 on April 13, 2016
vZ 1041 ± 226 on April 13, 2016
Race Zerg
Country United States of America
Team LiT Esports
First match Nov. 29, 2015
Last match Aug. 21, 2017
Aligulac ID 11649

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
08/21/2017 885 Kelso US Z 0–2 Z CA FireZerg 1333 LotV online
07/08/2017 866 Kelso US Z 0–2 Z KR Leenock 2090 LotV online
07/08/2017 866 Kelso US Z 1–0 Z KR Losira 2061 LotV online
07/08/2017 831 Kelso US Z 0–2 T KR ByuN 2847 LotV online
06/26/2017 871 Kelso US Z 1–2 Z US Cruel 926 LotV online
06/18/2017 869 Kelso US Z 0–2 P US Hupsaiya 885 LotV online
06/11/2017 856 Kelso US Z 0–2 T US Future 1236 LotV online
06/03/2017 861 Kelso US Z 0–2 Z CA Scarlett 2152 LotV online
06/03/2017 833 Kelso US Z 2–0 T US KnightLord 960 LotV online
05/29/2017 849 Kelso US Z 1–2 R US kira_1801 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
LiT Esports yes