StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


This period started on Sept. 7, 2023 and ended on Sept. 20, 2023.

Old rtg. Opposition Expected score Actual score Performance New rtg. Adjustment
vP 3096 2697 13.3 6.7 10.0 10.0 2698 3020 –76
vT 3127 2613 9.5 4.5 8.0 6.0 2820 3068 –59
vZ 2844 2357 4.2 1.8 2.0 4.0 1948 2775 –69
All 3022 2617 26.9 13.1 20.0 20.0 2489 2954 –68
Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
09/19/2023 3096 SHIN KR Z 1–2 P US Astrea 2849 LotV online
09/19/2023 3127 SHIN KR Z 0–2 T KR GuMiho 3000 LotV online
09/17/2023 3096 SHIN KR Z 1–1 P US Astrea 2849 LotV online
09/16/2023 3127 SHIN KR Z 2–0 T KR Ryung 2701 LotV online
09/16/2023 3096 SHIN KR Z 2–1 P KR Stats 2997 LotV online
09/16/2023 3127 SHIN KR Z 1–1 T RU Nicoract 1822 LotV online
09/15/2023 2844 SHIN KR Z 2–0 Z UA DIMAGA 1950 LotV online
09/13/2023 3096 SHIN KR Z 2–0 P DE Jumy 2180 LotV online
09/12/2023 2844 SHIN KR Z 0–2 Z CA Scarlett 2611 LotV online
09/12/2023 2844 SHIN KR Z 0–2 Z KR DRG 2510 LotV online
09/12/2023 3127 SHIN KR Z 1–2 T KR ByuN 3422 LotV online
09/12/2023 3127 SHIN KR Z 2–1 T KR KeeN 2542 LotV online
09/12/2023 3096 SHIN KR Z 1–2 P KR NightMare 2648 LotV online
09/12/2023 3096 SHIN KR Z 2–0 P TW Nice 2388 LotV online
09/11/2023 3096 SHIN KR Z 0–1 P KR Classic 3037 LotV online
09/11/2023 3127 SHIN KR Z 2–0 T RU Nicoract 1822 LotV online
09/08/2023 3096 SHIN KR Z 1–3 P KR NightMare 2648 LotV online