StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


BabyMarine Summary Rating history Match history Earnings Adjustments

This period started on Sept. 21, 2023 and ended on Oct. 4, 2023.

Old rtg. Opposition Expected score Actual score Performance New rtg. Adjustment
vP 2034 1864 5.5 4.5 4.0 6.0 1642 2013 –20
vT 1925 1968 3.4 3.6 1.0 6.0 885 1893 –32
vZ 2016 1749 7.5 5.5 8.0 5.0 2126 2017 +1
All 1992 1838 16.3 13.7 13.0 17.0 1551 1975 –17
Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
10/04/2023 2034 BabyMarine IT T 1–2 P PL ArT 2082 LotV online
10/03/2023 2034 BabyMarine IT T 1–2 P FR arrogfire 2072 LotV online
10/02/2023 1925 BabyMarine IT T 0–2 T PL Spirit 2542 LotV online
10/02/2023 2016 BabyMarine IT T 2–1 Z CA Bioice 1849 LotV online
10/02/2023 2016 BabyMarine IT T 2–0 Z FI Pive 329 LotV online
10/01/2023 1925 BabyMarine IT T 1–2 T KR QuanTa 1643 LotV online
09/25/2023 2034 BabyMarine IT T 0–2 P FR DnS 2282 LotV online
09/25/2023 2034 BabyMarine IT T 2–0 P HU WiNtER 807 LotV online
09/23/2023 1925 BabyMarine IT T 0–2 T RU Nicoract 1881 LotV online
09/23/2023 2016 BabyMarine IT T 0–2 Z RU YoungYakov 2394 LotV online
09/21/2023 2016 BabyMarine IT T 2–1 Z UA DIMAGA 2040 LotV online
09/21/2023 2016 BabyMarine IT T 2–1 Z PL Trifax 1874 LotV online