StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Majkelrooshi's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

17.91% (12/67)
728 ± 160
20.51% (8/39)
750 ± 226
12.50% (2/16)
703 ± 226
16.67% (2/12)
730 ± 226
728 ± 160
750 ± 226
703 ± 226
730 ± 226
All 1012 ± 160 on Nov. 20, 2019
vP 1012 ± 226 on Nov. 20, 2019
vT 1012 ± 226 on Nov. 20, 2019
vZ 1012 ± 226 on Nov. 20, 2019
Race Protoss
Country Poland
Team Team VOID
First match July 7, 2019
Last match April 7, 2024
Aligulac ID 19173

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
04/07/2024 694 Majkelrooshi PL P 1–0 T PL Raven 980 LotV online
03/31/2024 734 Majkelrooshi PL P 0–1 Z PL Aglass 1023 LotV online
03/24/2024 706 Majkelrooshi PL P 0–1 T PL Feomatar 992 LotV online
03/17/2024 681 Majkelrooshi PL P 1–0 T PL Raven 987 LotV online
03/10/2024 708 Majkelrooshi PL P 1–0 Z PL RALF 974 LotV online
03/03/2024 693 Majkelrooshi PL P 1–0 Z PL Skunixx 894 LotV online
01/02/2023 735 Majkelrooshi PL P 0–2 P UK Molten 930 LotV online
05/30/2022 734 Majkelrooshi PL P 0–2 Z SE Fjant 1051 LotV online
04/02/2022 767 Majkelrooshi PL P 0–1 Z PL ProFarT 565 LotV online
04/02/2022 744 Majkelrooshi PL P 0–2 T PL Maro 923 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Team VOID April 27, 2021 yes
Manes Sarmatis Jan. 1, 2021 April 25, 2021 no