StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Goldenvoid's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

30.95% (13/42)
922 ± 160
25.00% (3/12)
900 ± 226
25.00% (5/20)
860 ± 226
50.00% (5/10)
1007 ± 226
922 ± 160
900 ± 226
860 ± 226
1007 ± 226
All 952 ± 160 on Sept. 25, 2019
vP 952 ± 226 on Sept. 25, 2019
vT 952 ± 226 on Sept. 25, 2019
vZ 1007 ± 226 on May 19, 2021
Race Terran
Country Finland
First match July 20, 2019
Last match July 25, 2020
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 19198

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
07/25/2020 902 Goldenvoid FI T 0–2 T FI Larkkonen 956 LotV offline
07/25/2020 928 Goldenvoid FI T 2–0 Z FI NotQut 926 LotV offline
07/25/2020 902 Goldenvoid FI T 0–2 T FI Luolis 899 LotV offline
03/21/2020 907 Goldenvoid FI T 0–2 T FI Fuzer 1535 LotV online
03/21/2020 907 Goldenvoid FI T 2–1 T FI Faqballs 759 LotV online
12/11/2019 944 Goldenvoid FI T 0–3 T FI Luolis 974 LotV online
12/10/2019 951 Goldenvoid FI T 0–3 Z FI ZhuGeLiang 1859 LotV online
12/04/2019 896 Goldenvoid FI T 0–2 P FI Alluton 1208 LotV online
12/04/2019 899 Goldenvoid FI T 2–1 T FI Fuzer 1521 LotV online
12/02/2019 896 Goldenvoid FI T 2–1 P FI EnPo 798 LotV online