StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Eiger's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

53.74% (194/361)
1442 ± 160
59.66% (105/176)
1635 ± 226
41.94% (39/93)
1341 ± 226
52.94% (45/85)
1351 ± 226
1442 ± 160
1635 ± 226
1341 ± 226
1351 ± 226
All 1466 ± 123 (#171) on Aug. 9, 2023
vP 1650 ± 139 (#159) on Sept. 6, 2023
vT 1377 ± 183 (#191) on Aug. 24, 2022
vZ 1480 ± 161 (#209) on May 18, 2022
Race Protoss
Country Ireland
Team LittleFairy
First match Feb. 6, 2020
Last match Sept. 10, 2023
Total earnings $471
Matches played 164 (12.20% offline)
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 19975

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
09/10/2023 1367 Eiger IE P 0–3 Z UK Iba 1688 LotV online
09/03/2023 1632 Eiger IE P 2–0 P UK ZAiN 1725 LotV online
08/13/2023 1631 Eiger IE P 2–0 P UK Molten 989 LotV online
08/13/2023 1402 Eiger IE P 0–2 Z UK Lilipadd 1071 LotV online
08/13/2023 1631 Eiger IE P 2–0 P UK Molten 989 LotV online
08/06/2023 1612 Eiger IE P 2–0 P UK Bromaria 1082 LotV online
08/06/2023 1356 Eiger IE P 2–0 T UK Magico -74 LotV online
03/18/2023 1615 Eiger IE P 0–2 P RU Exostriker 1640 LotV online
03/18/2023 1615 Eiger IE P 2–0 P DE Seracis 1361 LotV online
02/25/2023 1337 Eiger IE P 1–2 Z CZ Bellator 1431 LotV offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
LittleFairy Aug. 12, 2023 yes
K10 March 18, 2023 July 27, 2023 no
InFernales eSports Sept. 3, 2022 March 18, 2023 no
Genesis Gaming April 17, 2021 Sept. 3, 2022 no