StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Ostojiy's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

57.69% (255/442)
1512 ± 160
55.00% (88/160)
1464 ± 226
46.72% (64/137)
1362 ± 226
70.63% (101/143)
1712 ± 226
1512 ± 160
1464 ± 226
1362 ± 226
1712 ± 226
All 1512 ± 160 on Dec. 9, 2015
vP 1464 ± 226 on Dec. 9, 2015
vT 1362 ± 226 on Dec. 9, 2015
vZ 1712 ± 174 (#71) on June 25, 2014
Race Zerg
Country Canada
Full name Christopher Ostojic
Birthday Nov. 23, 1992
First match March 6, 2011
Last match June 21, 2014
Total earnings $4,616
Matches played 184 (34.24% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 209
External TLPD:WoL:IN SC2E LP

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
06/21/2014 1401 Ostojiy CA Z 2–1 P US Rob HotS online
06/21/2014 1335 Ostojiy CA Z 0–2 T US qxc 1447 HotS offline
06/21/2014 1609 Ostojiy CA Z 2–0 Z US Destiny 896 HotS offline
06/21/2014 1448 Ostojiy CA Z 2–0 R US KawaiiRice 1077 HotS offline
06/21/2014 1609 Ostojiy CA Z 2–0 Z KR Gamja 1174 HotS offline
07/28/2013 1317 Ostojiy CA Z 2–4 T CA MaSa 1561 HotS online
07/28/2013 1550 Ostojiy CA Z 3–0 Z CA hendralisk 1558 HotS online
07/28/2013 1550 Ostojiy CA Z 3–1 Z CA Jig 1380 HotS online
07/14/2013 1403 Ostojiy CA Z 0–2 P CA OneTrickPony 997 HotS offline
07/14/2013 1332 Ostojiy CA Z 2–1 T CA Drunkenboi 1175 HotS offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Quantic Gaming Feb. 2, 2013 Jan. 1, 2014 no
It's Gosu June 15, 2011 Feb. 2, 2013 no