StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to SlipJip's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

34.49% (99/287)
984 ± 160
24.41% (31/127)
936 ± 226
42.86% (39/91)
1041 ± 226
38.98% (23/59)
976 ± 226
984 ± 160
936 ± 226
1041 ± 226
976 ± 226
All 984 ± 89 (#419) on Nov. 15, 2023
vP 972 ± 201 (#None) on Dec. 30, 2020
vT 1041 ± 225 on Jan. 10, 2024
vZ 976 ± 150 (#441) on Nov. 15, 2023
Race Terran
Country United States of America
AKA SlipJipMeister
Team Bing Bong Exports
First match Dec. 27, 2020
Last match Nov. 11, 2023
Total earnings $75
Matches played 120 (0.00% offline)
Aligulac ID 22298

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
11/11/2023 921 SlipJip US T 1–2 P RU NaJi 1081 LotV online
11/11/2023 969 SlipJip US T 0–2 Z KR Solar 3263 LotV online
11/11/2023 1003 SlipJip US T 2–0 T CA SpiffyBee 612 LotV online
11/04/2023 921 SlipJip US T 2–1 P RU Xlebuwek 971 LotV online
11/04/2023 1003 SlipJip US T 2–0 T CA UpATree 1064 LotV online
10/21/2023 1007 SlipJip US T 1–3 T RU Silwercrow 1030 LotV online
10/21/2023 1007 SlipJip US T 2–1 T PL Flexy 1130 LotV online
10/07/2023 942 SlipJip US T 2–3 T KR universe 994 LotV online
10/07/2023 864 SlipJip US T 2–0 P PE INFANSON 1211 LotV online
10/07/2023 942 SlipJip US T 2–0 T CU SlayersMvP 1189 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Bing Bong Exports Nov. 12, 2023 yes