StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


This period started on Aug. 24, 2023 and ended on Sept. 6, 2023.

Old rtg. Opposition Expected score Actual score Performance New rtg. Adjustment
vP 2605 1990 7.3 2.7 8.0 2.0 2835 2611 +6
vT 2324 1844 2.6 1.4 2.0 2.0 1844 2312 –13
vZ 2695 2692 –3
All 2542 1948 9.9 4.1 10.0 4.0 N/A 2538 –3
Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
09/04/2023 2324 Kelazhur BR T 0–2 T PL Spirit 2579 LotV online
09/04/2023 2605 Kelazhur BR T 2–0 P FR DnS 2310 LotV online
09/04/2023 2605 Kelazhur BR T 2–0 P FR arrogfire 2008 LotV online
09/04/2023 2605 Kelazhur BR T 2–0 P PL Ziomek 1422 LotV online
08/28/2023 2605 Kelazhur BR T 0–2 P PL Krystianer 2453 LotV online
08/28/2023 2605 Kelazhur BR T 2–0 P RU MindelVK 1755 LotV online
08/28/2023 2324 Kelazhur BR T 2–0 T PL Flexy 1109 LotV online