StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Sein's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

45.10% (46/102)
979 ± 160
43.33% (13/30)
945 ± 226
41.03% (16/39)
1017 ± 226
48.39% (15/31)
976 ± 226
979 ± 160
945 ± 226
1017 ± 226
976 ± 226
All 1107 ± 142 (#187) on March 23, 2011
vP 1084 ± 219 (#210) on June 1, 2011
vT 1100 ± 202 (#187) on March 23, 2011
vZ 1136 ± 206 (#170) on March 23, 2011
Race Protoss
Country Finland
Full name Tuomas Lahtinen
AKA Seinis
First match July 28, 2010
Last match Aug. 6, 2011
Total earnings $63
Matches played 43 (39.53% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 424
External TLPD:WoL:IN SC2E

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
08/06/2011 1057 Sein FI P 2–0 Z FI Protosser 1079 WoL offline
08/06/2011 1067 Sein FI P 2–0 R FI Ouga 935 WoL offline
08/06/2011 1057 Sein FI P 1–2 Z FI Core WoL offline
08/06/2011 1084 Sein FI P 0–2 P FI Welmu 916 WoL offline
08/06/2011 1084 Sein FI P 0–2 P FI imakki 1002 WoL offline
08/04/2011 1057 Sein FI P 0–2 Z BY LoWeLy 1240 WoL offline
08/04/2011 1084 Sein FI P 1–2 P SE Bischu 1105 WoL offline
08/04/2011 1057 Sein FI P 0–2 Z UA DIMAGA 1334 WoL offline
04/23/2011 1136 Sein FI P 0–2 Z DE Delphi 1130 WoL offline
04/21/2011 1084 Sein FI P 2–0 P DK Kanadan 1003 WoL offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Virus Gaming no