StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to BlitzTao's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

50.19% (133/265)
1404 ± 160
45.00% (45/100)
1375 ± 226
45.76% (27/59)
1402 ± 226
55.56% (55/99)
1436 ± 226
1404 ± 160
1375 ± 226
1402 ± 226
1436 ± 226
All 1404 ± 160 on Jan. 4, 2017
vP 1375 ± 226 on Jan. 4, 2017
vT 1402 ± 226 on Jan. 4, 2017
vZ 1436 ± 226 on Jan. 4, 2017
Race Terran
Country France
Full name Kévin Cumine
First match July 22, 2013
Last match May 29, 2015
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 5201

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
05/29/2015 1375 BlitzTao FR T 1–0 T DE Kappachino 1019 HotS online
05/29/2015 1409 BlitzTao FR T 1–0 Z UA White 1021 HotS online
05/29/2015 1375 BlitzTao FR T 1–0 T PL ziGGy 1026 HotS online
05/29/2015 1409 BlitzTao FR T 1–0 Z UA White 1021 HotS online
05/19/2015 1426 BlitzTao FR T 0–1 Z DK Orion 983 HotS online
05/19/2015 1426 BlitzTao FR T 1–0 Z NO Chass 955 HotS online
05/19/2015 1347 BlitzTao FR T 1–0 P DE Rinka 1005 HotS online
05/14/2015 1426 BlitzTao FR T 0–1 Z FI Serral 1739 HotS online
05/14/2015 1426 BlitzTao FR T 1–0 Z CH Zervas 1168 HotS online
04/05/2015 1115 BlitzTao FR T 0–2 Z FR FireCake 1646 HotS offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
RedBloods Nov. 23, 2014 Feb. 26, 2015 no
against All authority Jan. 9, 2014 Nov. 21, 2014 no