StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


This period started on Dec. 14, 2023 and ended on Dec. 27, 2023.

Old rtg. Opposition Expected score Actual score Performance New rtg. Adjustment
vP 1868 1614 10.6 7.1 8.7 9.0 1571 1867 =
vT 1875 2173 1.0 1.7 0.7 2.0 1551 1892 +17
vZ 1674 1621 6.5 6.2 8.7 4.0 2248 1720 +46
All 1806 1662 18.1 14.9 18.0 15.0 1790 1826 +21
Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
12/25/2023 1875 MindelVK RU P 0–2 T RU MilkiCow 2112 LotV online
12/25/2023 1868 MindelVK RU P 2–0 P CZ sebesdes 1169 LotV online
12/23/2023 1868 MindelVK RU P 0–2 P RU ART 1729 LotV online
12/21/2023 1868 MindelVK RU P 0–2 P RU Ashbringer 1543 LotV online
12/21/2023 1674 MindelVK RU P 2–0 Z RU Hatsu 683 LotV online
12/18/2023 1868 MindelVK RU P 0–2 P CN Jieshi 2564 LotV online
12/18/2023 1806 MindelVK RU P 2–0 R NL uThermal 2355 LotV online
12/18/2023 1674 MindelVK RU P 2–0 Z CZ NimeTh 936 LotV online
12/17/2023 1868 MindelVK RU P 0–2 P TW Nice 2145 LotV online
12/17/2023 1868 MindelVK RU P 2–0 P PL Ziomek 1315 LotV online
12/16/2023 1674 MindelVK RU P 1–2 Z RU YoungYakov 2315 LotV online
12/16/2023 1868 MindelVK RU P 2–1 P RU UedSoldier 1394 LotV online
12/14/2023 1674 MindelVK RU P 1–2 Z RU YoungYakov 2315 LotV online
12/14/2023 1868 MindelVK RU P 2–0 P RU Kogotok 919 LotV online
12/14/2023 1674 MindelVK RU P 2–0 Z RU Nuguri 917 LotV online