StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


This period started on Dec. 26, 2024 and ended on Jan. 8, 2025.

Old rtg. Opposition Expected score Actual score Performance New rtg. Adjustment
vP 3426 2410 9.6 2.4 8.0 4.0 2939 3393 –33
vT 3310 2764 4.8 2.2 4.0 3.0 3005 3290 –21
vZ 3152 1000 2.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 +∞ 3144 –8
All 3296 2394 16.3 4.7 14.0 7.0 N/A 3275 –21
Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
01/06/2025 3310 Reynor IT Z 2–1 T KR GuMiho 3126 LotV online
01/06/2025 3426 Reynor IT T 2–1 P CN Oliveira 3281 LotV online
12/27/2024 3310 Reynor IT P 0–2 T DE HeRoMaRinE 3115 LotV online
12/27/2024 3426 Reynor IT T 2–0 P DE Jumy 2213 LotV online
12/27/2024 3310 Reynor IT P 2–0 T IT BabyMarine 1872 LotV online
12/27/2024 3426 Reynor IT T 0–2 P RU SKillous 2900 LotV online
12/27/2024 3426 Reynor IT T 2–1 P UA NightPhoenix 2129 LotV online
12/27/2024 3426 Reynor IT T 2–0 P FR Coucoute 1230 LotV online
12/27/2024 3152 Reynor IT T 2–0 Z LV Sugarcult LotV online