StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to sprEEEzy's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

57.14% (20/35)
1124 ± 160
60.00% (6/10)
1113 ± 226
46.67% (7/15)
1089 ± 226
66.67% (6/9)
1170 ± 226
1124 ± 160
1113 ± 226
1089 ± 226
1170 ± 226
All 1124 ± 160 on Oct. 14, 2015
vP 1113 ± 226 on Oct. 14, 2015
vT 1089 ± 226 on Oct. 14, 2015
vZ 1170 ± 186 (#323) on April 15, 2015
Race Zerg
Country Croatia
First match Sept. 29, 2013
Last match April 12, 2015
Total earnings $146
Matches played 15 (53.33% offline)
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 5979

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
04/12/2015 998 sprEEEzy HR Z 1–2 T KR Ryung 1784 LotV online
04/12/2015 1008 sprEEEzy HR Z 2–0 P JP Lapapack 906 LotV online
04/12/2015 1051 sprEEEzy HR Z 2–0 Z TW Ian 1536 LotV online
04/12/2015 1019 sprEEEzy HR Z 1–0 R UA Alex 998 LotV online
02/24/2015 1008 sprEEEzy HR Z 0–2 T IT RuinBlaster 902 HotS online
02/24/2015 1008 sprEEEzy HR Z 2–1 T HU Tallahassee 1038 HotS online
02/24/2015 1040 sprEEEzy HR Z 2–1 Z IT Mark 821 HotS online
10/04/2014 1062 sprEEEzy HR Z 0–3 T HR frozz 945 HotS offline
10/04/2014 1001 sprEEEzy HR Z 2–1 P HR CheeseKing 1228 HotS offline
10/04/2014 1062 sprEEEzy HR Z 2–0 T HR Oogway 959 HotS offline