StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Utopi's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

41.88% (98/234)
867 ± 160
38.64% (34/88)
801 ± 226
44.83% (26/58)
909 ± 226
43.18% (38/88)
892 ± 226
867 ± 160
801 ± 226
909 ± 226
892 ± 226
All 1077 ± 160 on Dec. 28, 2011
vP 1037 ± 158 (#None) on March 6, 2013
vT 1114 ± 226 on Dec. 28, 2011
vZ 1107 ± 226 on Dec. 28, 2011
Race Protoss
Country Denmark
Full name Jens Jæger
First match March 13, 2011
Last match April 2, 2015
Total earnings $558
Matches played 124 (27.42% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 716
External TLPD:WoL:IN

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
04/02/2015 912 Utopi DK P 0–2 Z SE Miniraser 1572 HotS offline
04/02/2015 813 Utopi DK P 0–2 P KR Rain 2094 HotS offline
04/01/2015 850 Utopi DK P 0–2 P DK SpaceMarine 1214 HotS offline
03/23/2015 928 Utopi DK P 0–2 Z NO Snute 2156 HotS online
03/23/2015 921 Utopi DK P 1–0 T DE GranC 870 HotS online
03/21/2015 850 Utopi DK P 0–2 P US Bails 1522 HotS online
03/15/2015 966 Utopi DK P 0–2 Z US PandaBearMe 991 HotS online
03/15/2015 849 Utopi DK P 2–0 P FR Nanaki 853 HotS online
02/25/2015 1029 Utopi DK P 0–2 Z NO SolO 1064 HotS online
02/24/2015 886 Utopi DK P 0–2 P DE ShoWTimE 1809 HotS online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Karnage eSports Sept. 3, 2013 Dec. 30, 2013 no
Vega Squadron June 10, 2012 no