StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Metalcore's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

35.16% (45/128)
827 ± 160
37.50% (12/32)
824 ± 226
26.09% (6/23)
786 ± 226
38.24% (26/68)
873 ± 226
827 ± 160
824 ± 226
786 ± 226
873 ± 226
All 987 ± 160 on Oct. 16, 2013
vP 987 ± 226 on Oct. 16, 2013
vT 987 ± 226 on Oct. 16, 2013
vZ 987 ± 226 on Oct. 16, 2013
Race Terran
Country New Zealand
Full name Alex Townley
First match June 10, 2013
Last match Sept. 5, 2015
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 7166

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
09/05/2015 845 Metalcore NZ T 0–2 P AU Fourby 822 HotS offline
09/05/2015 868 Metalcore NZ T 2–1 Z AU Strongmike 950 HotS offline
09/05/2015 868 Metalcore NZ T 0–2 Z NZ MightyKiwi 1357 HotS offline
08/30/2015 876 Metalcore NZ T 0–1 Z US WarreN 865 HotS online
08/16/2015 833 Metalcore NZ T 0–1 T BE Nesnow 956 HotS online
08/14/2015 879 Metalcore NZ T 1–2 R AU Schnitzel 825 HotS online
08/08/2015 904 Metalcore NZ T 0–2 P AU Sepheron 1107 HotS online
08/08/2015 904 Metalcore NZ T 0–2 P SG Blysk 1443 HotS online
07/26/2015 898 Metalcore NZ T 0–2 P AU Rize 850 HotS online
07/26/2015 827 Metalcore NZ T 2–0 Z AU Kez 1041 HotS online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Dynasty Esports Jan. 9, 2015 no