StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


In total, Erik has earned $29,838. Broken down by currency, that is...

  • 250 CAD
  • ¥8,000
  • 9,714.2 BRL
  • $26,088.82
Placement Tournament Earnings
1st Code For Giants Cup #21 170 BRL $29
2nd Code For Giants Cup #20 50 BRL $9
2nd Basilisk Big Brain Bouts #85 Bouts Match 2 $20
1st Amantes de StarCraft 2 #36 120 BRL $21
1st Code For Giants Cup #19 170 BRL $30
1st Code For Giants Cup #18 170 BRL $28
1st Amantes de StarCraft 2 #35 120 BRL $20
2nd Code For Giants Cup #17 50 BRL $8
3rd–4th Code For Giants Cup #16 25 BRL $4
1st Code For Giants Cup #15 150 BRL $26
1st Amantes de StarCraft 2 #34 120 BRL $21
1st Code For Giants Cup #14 150 BRL $26
3rd–4th Code For Giants Cup #13 25 BRL $4
1st Code For Giants Cup #11 150 BRL $28
1st Code For Giants Cup #10 150 BRL $26
1st Amantes de StarCraft 2 #32 120 BRL $22
2nd Code For Giants Cup #8 50 BRL $9
1st Amantes de StarCraft 2 #31 120 BRL $21
1st Code For Giants Cup #6 150 BRL $26
1st Code For Giants Cup #5 150 BRL $28
1st Amantes de StarCraft 2 #30 360 BRL $67
1st Basilisk Big Brain Bouts #61 Bouts Match 3 $100
3rd–4th Code For Giants Cup #4 25 BRL $5
2nd Code For Giants Cup #3 50 BRL $10
2nd Code For Giants Cup #2 50 BRL $10
9th–11th ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2024 Spring Regionals Americas $1,500
1st Code For Giants Cup #1 150 BRL $29
1st Amantes de StarCraft 2 #29 120 BRL $24
1st CranKy Ducklings Tenacious Turtle Tussle #14 $35
12th–14th ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Americas Main Event $800
1st Basilisk Big Brain Bouts #34 Bouts Match 3 $100
2nd CranKy Ducklings Tenacious Turtle Tussle #4 $15
12th–14th ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Summer Regionals Americas Main Event $800
2nd CranKy Ducklings Tenacious Turtle Tussle #3 $15
3rd–4th PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #37 $5
7th–9th SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #133 $7.5 $7
1st CranKy Ducklings Tenacious Turtle Tussle #1 $35
1st Amantes de StarCraft 2 #27 120 BRL $23
3rd–4th Berry CruncH Sub Tournament #1 $111
2nd Migs Cup #1 $35
1st PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #22 $25
2nd Sentimiento Latino #142 $12.5 $12
2nd eXimius Invitational #1 300 BRL $57
5th–6th ESL Pro Tour 2022/23 DH SC2 Masters 2022 Atlanta Regionals Latin America $1,300
4th ESL Pro Tour 2022/23 DH SC2 Masters 2022 Valencia Regionals Latin America $2,000
1st CranKy Ducklings Duckling Showdown 2021 $80
7th–8th SC2Online Super Series 2021 Mid Season #2 Main Event $60
1st Copa Hyperion #30 $30
7th–8th ESL Pro Tour 2021/22 DH SC2 Masters 2021 Winter Latin America $550
3rd PSISTORM Gaming Open Cup #1 $5
3rd Amantes de StarCraft 2 #13 60 BRL $12
5th–6th ESL Pro Tour 2021/22 DH SC2 Masters 2021 Fall Latin America $850
1st SC2Online Battle of the Americas #60 $15
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #60 $10
1st Copa Hyperion #23 $54
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #59 $10
2nd SC2Online Battle of the Americas #58 $5
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #58 $10
3rd–4th The Pizza Pie Weekly #7 $5
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #57 $10
1st SC2Online Battle of the Americas #57 $15
2nd ESL Pro Tour 2021/22 DH SC2 Masters 2021 Summer Latin America $3,000
3rd–4th Cock of the Walk #59 $7
3rd–4th The Pizza Pie Season 5 Cup #10 $10
1st Sentimiento Latino #106 $22.5 $22
2nd Queen's Gambit #4 $13.5 $13
2nd ESL Open Cup Americas #64 $100
2nd La Espira Rey de las Razas #2 $15
2nd eXoN Cup Open #31 $30
1st eXoN Cup Open #28 $60
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #46 $10
2nd SC2Online Battle of the Americas #46 $5
2nd eXoN Cup Open #27 $30
2nd Alpha X Latam Challenge #1 $60
5th–8th Fast Risers Invitational #1 $50
1st Amantes de StarCraft 2 #8 200 BRL $37
3rd–4th Sentimiento Latino #100 $14.45 $14
2nd Sentimiento Latino #99 $12.5 $12
9th–16th Taco Cup #6 Main Event $25
2nd Cock of the Walk #37 $15
4th ESL Pro Tour 2020/21 DH SC2 Masters 2020: Winter Latin America $1,300
4th ESL Pro Tour 2020/21 DH SC2 Masters 2020: Fall $1,300
13th–16th SC2Online Super Series 2020 Mid Season #1 Main Event $20
2nd Amantes de StarCraft 2 Aniversário 180 BRL $34
5th–6th ESL Pro Tour 2020/21 DH SC2 Masters 2020: Summer Latin America $1,000
4th Amantes de StarCraft 2 #3 40 BRL $7
1st Sentimiento Latino #82 $22.5 $22
1st Sentimiento Latino #81 $22.5 $22
2nd SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #127 $25
9th–16th Taco Cup #5 Main Event $25
1st Amantes de StarCraft 2 #1 150 BRL $30
1st Taco Cup #5 Qualifier $17.5 $17
4th SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #14 $15
1st Sentimiento Latino #80 $33.1 $33
2nd PassionCraft Sunday Showdown #5 $10
1st BeAsT Cup Weekly #46 $15
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #1 $10
7th–8th SC2Online OSC Championship Season 7 $175
3rd–4th Alpha X Scrims #9 $10
2nd WESG 2019 Qualifiers Latin America Brazil Closed $300
4th Copa America 2019 Season 3 Main Event $700
1st The Pizza Pie Season 2 Cup #8 $22.12 $22
2nd SC2Online OSC Melee #91 $10
1st Sentimiento Latino #79 $30
2nd SC2Online OSC Melee #90 $30
1st Primus Cup Latam Sur #1 Main Event $500
1st Masterclass Graviton Cup #1 960 BRL $233
1st Sentimiento Latino #73 $17.5 $17
2nd Sentimiento Latino #72 $10
1st SC2Online OSC Melee #81 $30
4th Copa America 2019 Season 2 Main Event $700
1st Ice Moon Cup #8 125 CAD $95
2nd Proxy Tempest NA Open #145 $10
4th Copa America 2019 Season 1 Main Event $700
1st SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #119 Qualifier $25
2nd SC2Online JEC Weekly #50 $25
1st Ice Moon Cup #7 125 CAD $93
2nd SC2Online JEC Weekly #49 $10
2nd The Pizza Pie Season 1 Finals $50
1st Sentimiento Latino #55 $27
1st The Pizza Pie Season 1 Cup #9 $28
1st Sentimiento Latino #53 $17.5 $17
5th–8th WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Latin America $425
2nd Proxy Tempest NA Open #136 $10
1st Alpha X Pro Series Rodzyn vs Erik $52
2nd The Pizza Pie Season 1 Cup #8 $15
1st Sentimiento Latino #51 $25
1st Sentimiento Latino #50 $17.5 $17
1st SC2Online OSC Melee #75 $35
1st The Pizza Pie Season 1 Cup #7 $30.45 $30
17th–30th WCS 2019 Winter Americas Main Tournament $675
1st SC2Online OSC Melee #74 $35
2nd The Pizza Pie Season 1 Cup #6 $12.06 $12
1st Sentimiento Latino #47 $17.5 $17
1st Proxy Tempest NA Open #131 $15
1st SC2Online OSC Melee #72 $35
1st Sentimiento Latino #46 $17.5 $17
1st Proxy Tempest NA Open #130 $15
1st SC2Online OSC Melee #71 $35
1st Proxy Tempest EU Open #201 $35
1st The Pizza Pie Season 1 Cup #5 $30.14 $30
1st Sentimiento Latino #45 $17.5 $17
1st Crystall Weekly #18 $15
1st Sentimiento Latino #44 $17.5 $17
1st Proxy Tempest NA Open #128 $15
1st Crystall Weekly #17 $15
1st SC2Online OSC Melee #70 $35
1st Sentimiento Latino #43 $17.5 $17
2nd Proxy Tempest NA Open #127 $10
1st SC2Online OSC Melee #69 $35
1st DuSt Gaming Open #1 $60
1st Sentimiento Latino #42 $15
1st Proxy Tempest NA Open #126 $15
2nd BaseTradeTV NA Open Cup #2 $25
1st Crystall Weekly #14 $15
1st Sentimiento Latino #41 $15
5th–8th Ladder Heroes NA 2018 October $12.5 $12
1st Sentimiento Latino #37 $39
Ladder Heroes NA 2018 September $15
1st Proxy Tempest NA Open #116 $15
5th–6th Copa America 2018 Season 3 $600
2nd Sentimiento Latino #27 $10
1st Proxy Tempest NA Open #106 $15
7th–8th Copa America 2018 Season 2 $400
1st APM Curitiba Cup 1 1,139.2 BRL $305
1st Sentimiento Latino #3 $15
2nd Platy-pro Weekly #4 $10
2nd SC2Online OSC Melee #20 $15
5th–6th WCS 2018 Leipzig Qualifiers Latin America $600
2nd Filthy NA Cup #57 $25
5th–8th Ladder Heroes NA 2017 November $12.5 $12
2nd Filthy NA Cup #53 $25
1st Copa Brasil 2017 Season 2 2,000 BRL $608
Ladder Heroes NA 2017 October $45
2nd Proxy Tempest NA Open #76 $10
1st Proxy Tempest NA Open #74 $15
1st SC2Online OSC Melee #7 $50
1st Battlezone Brazil $100
1st Copa Brasil 2017 Season 1 850 BRL $267
5th–8th Ladder Heroes NA 2016 October $12.5 $12
Ladder Heroes NA 2016 October $45
5th–8th WESG 2016 Qualifiers North & South American Qualifier ¥8,000 $1,182
5th–8th Copa America 2016 Finals $400
4th Copa America 2016 Season 1 $800
3rd Copa America 2015 Grand Finals $1,500
2nd–3rd Copa America 2015 Season 3 $100
3rd GG 2014 Grand Finals 750 BRL $246