StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Distan's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

32.77% (39/119)
850 ± 160
29.55% (13/44)
726 ± 226
41.38% (12/29)
962 ± 226
31.71% (13/41)
863 ± 226
850 ± 160
726 ± 226
962 ± 226
863 ± 226
All 987 ± 124 (#601) on Aug. 6, 2014
vP 987 ± 203 (#None) on Aug. 6, 2014
vT 1032 ± 226 on Aug. 5, 2015
vZ 987 ± 203 (#599) on Aug. 6, 2014
Race Terran
Country United Kingdom
Full name Ryan Hamblett
First match Aug. 6, 2014
Last match Sept. 2, 2024
Total earnings $10
Matches played 56 (28.57% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 8433

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
09/02/2024 865 Distan UK T 0–2 Z RU YoungYakov 2490 LotV online
06/10/2024 732 Distan UK T 0–2 P DK MaxPax 3610 LotV online
06/10/2024 873 Distan UK T 1–2 Z UA MiniZergUA 1132 LotV online
07/29/2023 752 Distan UK T 0–2 P UK RosscO 1469 LotV offline
07/29/2023 989 Distan UK T 1–2 T UK Jesu 1034 LotV offline
07/28/2023 752 Distan UK T 2–1 P UK Howl 968 LotV offline
07/28/2023 989 Distan UK T 2–0 T UK Mono 559 LotV offline
07/28/2023 989 Distan UK T 0–2 T UK GamerRichy 1501 LotV offline
07/28/2023 752 Distan UK T 0–2 P UK Giaphage LotV offline
07/23/2023 740 Distan UK T 1–2 P HU WiNtER 796 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
RedDragons no