StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to CaptainAM's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

25.74% (26/101)
865 ± 160
16.13% (5/31)
825 ± 226
18.75% (6/32)
826 ± 226
39.47% (15/38)
945 ± 226
865 ± 160
825 ± 226
826 ± 226
945 ± 226
All 1007 ± 160 on April 2, 2014
vP 982 ± 226 on Feb. 6, 2013
vT 1007 ± 226 on April 2, 2014
vZ 1036 ± 175 (#443) on Dec. 25, 2013
Race Protoss
Country China
Full name 胡旭宇
Romanized name Hu Xuyu
AKA TJMaiking, 麦神, 同济麦老爷
First match Nov. 19, 2012
Last match June 23, 2016
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 8820

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
06/23/2016 927 CaptainAM CN P 1–0 Z CN Mayuki 1133 LotV offline
05/28/2016 826 CaptainAM CN P 0–2 T CN 小黄鸡 888 LotV online
05/18/2016 840 CaptainAM CN P 0–2 P KR TAiLS 1303 LotV online
04/13/2016 877 CaptainAM CN P 0–1 T KR KeeN 1779 LotV online
04/06/2016 877 CaptainAM CN P 0–2 T CN Zycart 785 LotV online
04/06/2016 877 CaptainAM CN P 0–2 T CN LeeLee 876 LotV online
04/06/2016 920 CaptainAM CN P 2–0 Z CN LeiFeng 894 LotV online
03/17/2016 902 CaptainAM CN P 0–2 T CN JIN 970 LotV online
02/02/2016 957 CaptainAM CN P 0–2 Z CN TooDming 1647 LotV online
02/01/2016 930 CaptainAM CN P 0–2 T CN Zycart 753 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Team LeiFeng Oct. 19, 2015 no