StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for Nov. 30, 2014

Cascade1xbet Clan League Season 6 Division 1 Playoffs Third place match Cascade vs NewRoSoft hide (5)
1320 Minatoeh UA Z 1–0 Z DE roof 1315 HotS online
1381 Minatoeh UA Z 0–1 P RO NightEnD 1338 HotS online
1510 Adonminus IL P 1–0 P RO NightEnD 1537 HotS online
1510 Adonminus IL P 1–0 P FI Welmu 1558 HotS online
1439 Adonminus IL P 1–0 T DE KrasS 1392 HotS online
ESL Relaunch Cup SEA Ro8 hide (1)
1646 EnDerr PH Z 0–2 T TH StriKE 992 HotS online
ESL Relaunch Cup SEA Final hide (1)
1071 JaBiTo PH T 2–0 T TH StriKE 940 HotS online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #427 Ro128 hide (1)
928 Loumpus DE P 0–1 Z JP Vaisravana 1262 HotS online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #427 Ro64 hide (9)
936 CruiseR PL Z 0–1 P FR tomve 858 HotS online
1114 ParanOid PL Z 1–0 Z FR Nefaste 782 HotS online
836 Prabuty PL P 0–1 P KR eMotion 1619 HotS online
948 Easy RU Z 1–0 T DE sLi 642 HotS online
989 RusZerg RU Z 1–0 P DK POX 869 HotS online
902 kAnJi LV P 0–1 Z SE Ramses 864 HotS online
1096 Lambo DE Z 1–0 Z UA dwar 913 HotS online
1527 Bly UA Z 1–0 Z JP Vaisravana 1353 HotS online
1707 ShoWTimE DE P 1–0 T UA Awers 1045 HotS online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #427 Ro32 hide (13)
864 Ramses SE Z 0–1 P DE Primelot 1131 HotS online
823 tomve FR P 0–1 T IL Complain 1366 HotS online
1939 Nerchio PL Z 1–0 Z PL ParanOid 1114 HotS online
1096 Lambo DE Z 0–1 Z SE Namshar 1496 HotS online
1780 eMotion KR P 0–1 Z RU Revolver 1459 HotS online
1527 Bly UA Z 1–0 Z FR Denver 896 HotS online
1215 Hunter KR P 0–1 T PL Miszu 1213 HotS online
958 Oogway HR T 0–1 P DE CPU 994 HotS online
1206 Quent FR P 0–1 Z PL DaNa 1449 HotS online
1141 frozz HR T 1–0 P UA DavioN 793 HotS online
1330 Spirit PL T 0–1 R RU Elifas HotS online
1334 GenjiTakiya FR P 0–1 Z NO TargA 1780 HotS online
828 Revolution UK Z 1–0 P DE ShoWTimE 1783 HotS online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #427 Ro16 hide (7)
989 RusZerg RU Z 0–1 P DE Primelot 1131 HotS online
924 Reynor IT Z 1–0 T IL Complain 1267 HotS online
1939 Nerchio PL Z 1–0 Z SE Namshar 1496 HotS online
1039 frozz HR T 1–0 Z RU Revolver 1415 HotS online
1448 Bly UA Z 1–0 T PL Miszu 964 HotS online
Elifas RU R 0–1 Z NO TargA 1820 HotS online
889 Revolution UK Z 0–1 Z PL DaNa 1549 HotS online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #427 Ro8 hide (4)
1131 Primelot DE P 0–2 Z IT Reynor 965 HotS online
1039 frozz HR T 0–2 Z PL Nerchio 1957 HotS online
1831 Bly UA Z 2–0 P DE CPU 896 HotS online
1875 TargA NO Z 2–0 Z PL DaNa 1549 HotS online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #427 Ro4 hide (2)
962 Reynor IT Z 1–2 Z PL Nerchio 1939 HotS online
1527 Bly UA Z 2–0 Z NO TargA 1875 HotS online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #427 Final hide (1)
1939 Nerchio PL Z 3–0 Z UA Bly 1527 HotS online
Italian Clan Championship 8 Serie A Playoffs Third place match Knights of Redemption B vs AiR A hide (5)
Player89 IT T 0–1 P IT Barabba HotS online
986 Blooddrop IT P 1–0 P IT Barabba HotS online
986 Blooddrop IT P 1–0 T IT Nova 987 HotS online
986 Blooddrop IT P 1–0 Z IT Jaiden 987 HotS online
986 Blooddrop IT P 1–0 T IT WhySoSerious 987 HotS online
Italian Clan Championship 8 Serie A Playoffs Final Knights of Redemption vs Element PuNk - Black hide (6)
Pankake IT Z 1–0 P HR Loacker 773 HotS online
Pankake IT Z 0–1 P IT Exehn 886 HotS online
957 Chucky IT T 0–1 P IT Exehn 847 HotS online
RiK IT P 1–0 P IT Exehn 873 HotS online
RiK IT P 1–0 T IT MovieMaker 929 HotS online
RiK IT P 1–0 P IT GodOfSfaccim HotS online
Kung Fu Cup 2014 Season 1 Group D hide (5)
1557 XY CN T 0–2 P KR PartinG 2160 HotS online
1548 iAsonu CN Z 0–2 Z TW Sen 1701 HotS online
2163 PartinG KR P 2–1 Z TW Sen 1587 HotS online
1514 XY CN T 0–2 Z CN iAsonu 1557 HotS online
1701 Sen TW Z 2–0 Z CN iAsonu 1548 HotS online
Midwest Cup 3 WB hide (3)
991 Honeybear US Z 2–0 Z US AlphaPancake HotS online
Midwest Cup 3 LB hide (2)
884 Hypernia US P 1–2 P US Playa 963 HotS online
AlphaPancake US Z 0–2 P US Playa 845 HotS online
Midwest Cup 3 Final hide (1)
1064 Honeybear US Z 3–0 P US Playa 845 HotS online
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup 47 Ro32 hide (3)
940 StriKE TH T 2–1 T AU Fullmetal 856 HotS online
817 JevyN AU Z 0–2 Z AU Rendorian 977 HotS online
1573 NXZ AU Z 2–0 Z AU Slayer 582 HotS online
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup 47 Ro16 hide (7)
1699 PiG AU Z 2–0 T AU Ice 803 HotS online
1468 NXZ AU Z 2–0 T TH StriKE 992 HotS online
1499 Blysk SG P 2–0 T NZ Sparrow 869 HotS online
1652 EnDerr PH Z 1–0 P AU Washo 892 HotS online
953 Demi IN Z 1–0 Z AU Flare 1337 HotS online
1347 MightyKiwi NZ Z 2–0 P MY Ravenflames 938 HotS online
1232 Wally AU Z 2–0 R AU Schnitzel 816 HotS online
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup 47 Ro8 hide (4)
1800 PiG AU Z 2–0 Z AU NXZ 1573 HotS online
978 Rendorian AU Z 0–2 P SG Blysk 1537 HotS online
1703 EnDerr PH Z 2–0 Z IN Demi 953 HotS online
1359 MightyKiwi NZ Z 2–1 Z AU Wally 1200 HotS online
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup 47 Ro4 hide (2)
1607 PiG AU Z 3–2 P SG Blysk 1537 HotS online
1703 EnDerr PH Z 3–0 Z NZ MightyKiwi 1359 HotS online
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup 47 Final hide (1)
1800 PiG AU Z 3–1 Z PH EnDerr 1703 HotS online
SCVRush GM Rumble #1 Ro32 hide (12)
1707 ShoWTimE DE P 2–1 T UK MythiC 990 HotS online
1496 Namshar SE Z 0–2 Z CH Elroye 1230 HotS online
1006 MouLou FR T 0–2 P DK WPz 974 HotS online
1451 DIMAGA UA Z 2–0 T FR silveR HotS online
1101 Basior PL T 2–0 Z FR Denver 1021 HotS online
1456 PtitDrogo FR P 2–0 P FR Relmer 924 HotS online
1352 Adonminus IL P 0–2 Z PL Elazer 1482 HotS online
1077 hinO FR Z 0–2 P PL Jade 873 HotS online
1278 Winter SE Z 2–0 T HU Tallahassee 1067 HotS online
1513 Tefel PL Z 2–0 Z NO SolO 999 HotS online
970 Spartfire FR Z 0–2 Z ES WaKa 993 HotS online
1792 Petraeus NZ Z 2–0 T US Inzaneone 1012 HotS online
SCVRush GM Rumble #1 Ro16 hide (8)
1366 Complain IL T 0–0 P DE ShoWTimE 1707 HotS online
1160 Elroye CH Z 2–0 P DK WPz 1048 HotS online
1365 DIMAGA UA Z 0–2 Z DE Lambo 1096 HotS online
1124 Basior PL T 1–2 P FR PtitDrogo 1356 HotS online
1671 Kas UA T 1–2 Z PL Elazer 1446 HotS online
873 Jade PL P 1–2 Z SE Winter 1053 HotS online
937 JackO LU P 1–2 Z PL Tefel 1501 HotS online
993 WaKa ES Z 0–2 Z NZ Petraeus 1773 HotS online
SCVRush GM Rumble #1 Ro8 hide (4)
1783 ShoWTimE DE P 2–0 Z CH Elroye 1160 HotS online
1436 Lambo DE Z 0–2 P FR PtitDrogo 1402 HotS online
1482 Elazer PL Z 2–0 Z SE Winter 1139 HotS online
1513 Tefel PL Z 2–0 Z NZ Petraeus 1773 HotS online
SCVRush GM Rumble #1 Ro4 hide (2)
1711 ShoWTimE DE P 2–0 P FR PtitDrogo 1456 HotS online
1482 Elazer PL Z 2–1 Z PL Tefel 1513 HotS online
SCVRush GM Rumble #1 Third place match hide (1)
1402 PtitDrogo FR P 2–1 Z PL Tefel 1501 HotS online
SCVRush GM Rumble #1 Final hide (1)
1783 ShoWTimE DE P 3–1 Z PL Elazer 1482 HotS online
Showmatch OSC Challenge Matches hide (24)
1249 Pox AU R 4–1 R AU Schnitzel 861 HotS online
TeSL 2014-2015 Season 1 Playoffs Round 5 hide (2)
1488 Daisy KR P 2–4 P TW Has 1593 HotS offline
ZOTAC Cup Europe #235 Ro16 hide (8)
1240 CoolTea RU P 1–0 T RU Happy 1881 HotS online
1757 MaNa PL P 1–0 Z PL Nerchio 1896 HotS online
1671 Kas UA T 1–0 Z PL Tefel 1306 HotS online
1077 hinO FR Z 1–0 P FR tomve 858 HotS online
1619 eMotion KR P 1–0 P RU fraer 1450 HotS online
2136 Lilbow FR P 1–0 Z RU Revolver 1459 HotS online
999 Primelot DE P 1–0 P RU Strange 1197 HotS online
1035 SpellSinger RU P 1–0 P Rail 1258 HotS online
ZOTAC Cup Europe #235 Ro8 hide (2)
1619 eMotion KR P 2–0 P RU SpellSinger 1035 HotS online
1757 MaNa PL P 2–0 Z FR hinO 1077 HotS online
ZOTAC Cup Europe #235 Ro4 hide (2)
1764 Lilbow FR P 2–1 P KR eMotion 1619 HotS online
1311 CoolTea RU P 2–0 P PL MaNa 1735 HotS online
ZOTAC Cup Europe #235 Final hide (1)
1764 Lilbow FR P 3–1 P RU CoolTea 1311 HotS online

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