StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for Aug. 23, 2017

Alpha SC2 Team League Season 9 Europe Pro Week 8 BluSvsFoFoG hide (3)
918 Fluxior NL P 1–0 T UK Ziroy 971 LotV online
816 Snowdrum SE Z 1–0 T UK Hyonra 986 LotV online
858 loginn FR Z 1–0 Z UK Wok 411 LotV online
Alpha SC2 Team League Season 9 Europe Pro Week 8 APeCvsSpec hide (4)
814 Äelith DE Z 1–0 Z RU Splesh 943 LotV online
1002 Pyloss DE P 0–1 T RU MasterVasya 769 LotV online
955 BrightYellow UK T 1–0 Z RU Fallenger 783 LotV online
876 MperorM DK T 1–0 P RU Milka 923 LotV online
Alpha SC2 Team League Season 9 Europe Pro Week 8 SqAUTvsHTT hide (3)
1030 blacki AT P 0–1 P UA NukeLar 983 LotV online
871 TheMassivMan AT Z 0–1 T RU Arctur 1529 LotV online
946 Cube AT P 0–1 Z RU RinKokonoe 1064 LotV online
Alpha SC2 Team League Season 9 Europe Pro Week 8 7xvsPHYsc hide (4)
1069 Judicator RU P 0–1 Z IT Reynor 1980 LotV online
Jess RU P 1–0 P NO Poseidon 993 LotV online
943 Nerazim RU P 0–1 P PL Gerald 1479 LotV online
968 Masamune RU P 0–1 Z PL Guru 1985 LotV online
Alpha SC2 Team League Season 9 Europe Pro Week 8 KompisvsI0C hide (5)
910 WeRiano SE P 0–1 Z FR TravisTanner 989 LotV online
835 MonstR SE T 0–1 Z DE Winckel 1049 LotV online
871 Lovecrit SE P 1–0 Z RU RinKokonoe LotV online
888 TheDounat SE P 1–0 P PL BluE 957 LotV online
871 Lovecrit SE P 1–0 Z FR TravisTanner 989 LotV online
Gosu PvP Cup Qualifiers EU WB Ro8 hide (3)
1546 Gerald PL P 2–1 T RU MODEUS 1199 LotV online
1675 Hellraiser UA P 2–0 P NO Poseidon 993 LotV online
1731 Kas UA T 2–0 Z PL Gremory 1463 LotV online
Gosu PvP Cup Qualifiers EU WB Ro4 hide (2)
1980 Reynor IT Z 2–0 P PL Gerald 1743 LotV online
1722 Kas UA T 2–1 P UA Hellraiser 1687 LotV online
Gosu PvP Cup Qualifiers EU WB Final hide (1)
1731 Kas UA T 3–2 Z IT Reynor 2057 LotV online
Gosu PvP Cup Qualifiers EU LB Round 1 hide (1)
2230 Bly UA Z 2–0 T RU MODEUS 1352 LotV online
Gosu PvP Cup Qualifiers EU LB Round 2 hide (1)
1750 Hellraiser UA P 2–0 Z UA Bly 2176 LotV online
Gosu PvP Cup Qualifiers EU LB Round 3 hide (1)
1675 Hellraiser UA P 2–0 P PL Gerald 1479 LotV online
Gosu PvP Cup Qualifiers EU LB Final hide (1)
1980 Reynor IT Z 4–0 P UA Hellraiser 1750 LotV online
GSL 2017 Season 3 Code S Ro16 Group C hide (5)
2554 soO KR Z 2–1 Z KR Dark 2480 LotV offline
2301 Classic KR P 0–2 Z KR Rogue 2581 LotV offline
2554 soO KR Z 1–2 Z KR Rogue 2531 LotV offline
2551 Dark KR Z 2–0 P KR Classic 2301 LotV offline
2554 soO KR Z 1–2 Z KR Dark 2480 LotV offline
Proxy Tempest EU Open #67 Ro32 hide (3)
1156 Friend UA Z 2–0 T HU psz 667 LotV online
1818 Zanster SE Z 2–0 Z IT Ryosis 873 LotV online
1651 Minatoeh UA Z 2–0 P NO Poseidon 1043 LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #67 Ro16 hide (7)
1978 PenguiN KR Z 2–0 P SE SatO 1166 LotV online
1317 whiteant KR P 2–1 P RO Light 1186 LotV online
1996 SortOf SE Z 1–2 Z CZ TomikuS 1465 LotV online
1338 starkiller US Z 1–2 Z UA Friend 1229 LotV online
2088 Reynor IT Z 2–0 Z SE Zanster 1818 LotV online
1590 ziGGy PL T 2–0 P DK PappiJoe 1071 LotV online
1430 Wanderer BG T 0–2 Z UA Minatoeh 1581 LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #67 Ro8 hide (4)
1978 PenguiN KR Z 1–2 P KR whiteant 1163 LotV online
1779 Minatoeh UA Z 2–1 Z CZ TomikuS 1465 LotV online
1282 Friend UA Z 0–2 P PL Gerald 1743 LotV online
2057 Reynor IT Z 2–0 T PL ziGGy 1806 LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #67 Ro4 hide (1)
1163 whiteant KR P 0–2 Z UA Minatoeh 1651 LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #67 Final hide (1)
1779 Minatoeh UA Z 0–2 Z IT Reynor 2088 LotV online
SC2ONLINE Community Open #52 Ro32 hide (6)
1479 Gerald PL P 1–2 P NL Marsman 1205 LotV online
1806 ziGGy PL T 2–0 Z CN YouNai 689 LotV online
1199 MODEUS RU T 2–0 P ZA PhoenixTears 920 LotV online
2236 Impact KR Z 2–0 T AU ShayneRarma 551 LotV online
1273 Wally AU Z 2–0 Z AU ErebusBlack 263 LotV online
1733 NaTuRal KR T 2–0 Z TH pukub 552 LotV online
SC2ONLINE Community Open #52 Ro16 hide (6)
1460 Demi IN Z 2–0 P NL Marsman 1168 LotV online
639 Ascarecrow AU Z 0–2 P HR goblin 1600 LotV online
2230 Bly UA Z 2–1 T PL ziGGy 1806 LotV online
1415 MightyKiwi NZ Z 2–1 T KR NaTuRal 1733 LotV online
401 Elusory SG T 0–2 Z AU Wally 1387 LotV online
2238 KeeN KR T 2–1 Z PL Guru 2024 LotV online
SC2ONLINE Community Open #52 Ro8 hide (4)
1460 Demi IN Z 2–0 P HR goblin 1600 LotV online
2169 Bly UA Z 2–0 Z NZ MightyKiwi 1571 LotV online
1387 Wally AU Z 0–2 T KR KeeN 2238 LotV online
1352 MODEUS RU T 1–2 Z KR Impact 2236 LotV online
SC2ONLINE Community Open #52 Ro4 hide (1)
2236 Impact KR Z 2–0 T KR KeeN 2238 LotV online
SC2ONLINE Community Open #52 Final hide (1)
2169 Bly UA Z 0–3 Z KR Impact 1996 LotV online
The Gauntlet Premier #1 Ro4 hide (2)
2010 MaNa PL P 3–2 P HR goblin 1623 LotV online
2631 MaSa CA T 2–3 Z UA Bly 2230 LotV online
The Gauntlet Premier #1 Final hide (1)
1856 MaNa PL P 2–4 Z UA Bly 2176 LotV online
WCS 2017 Montreal Qualifiers North America Qualifier #2 Ro64 hide (21)
970 Psych US Z 2–1 T US BobTheNinja 664 LotV online
1334 WarreN US Z 2–0 P US Bonkarooni 614 LotV online
1353 Dolan US T 2–0 P CA Amane 941 LotV online
Operator US Z 2–0 Z CA Flood 924 LotV online
1037 Ukko US Z 2–1 T US DisReSpeCT 806 LotV online
1295 Hunta US Z 2–0 P US TheoRy 1023 LotV online
954 Early US P 2–1 Z CA FireZerg 962 LotV online
1338 CatZ PE Z 2–1 T US BunnyWillis 940 LotV online
907 AmpliFy US P 2–0 P CA Bones 1067 LotV online
1340 DisK CA P 2–0 P CA PraetorFenix 804 LotV online
942 picur CA Z 2–0 T US Pursuit 959 LotV online
959 EON CR Z 2–0 T CA AlienViruz LotV online
1629 Astrea US P 2–0 Z US Prevail 921 LotV online
1359 Rob US P 2–0 P US Eradin 748 LotV online
890 ZenedoR CA Z 2–0 T US NSGJoe 729 LotV online
980 Buster CA T 2–0 T CA Greenert 675 LotV online
934 Hupsaiya US P 2–1 Z CA Steadfast 1094 LotV online
941 Neuro US Z 2–0 T US UnknownXD 944 LotV online
1054 avilo US T 2–1 Z CA Rogue 1049 LotV online
1460 omgabanana US P 2–0 Z US CalebAracous 1236 LotV online
1614 Future US T 2–0 T US Vindicta 1109 LotV online
WCS 2017 Montreal Qualifiers North America Qualifier #2 Ro32 hide (16)
1539 Silky US Z 2–0 Z US Psych 983 LotV online
1306 Dolan US T 2–0 Z US WarreN 1381 LotV online
1338 starkiller US Z 2–1 Z US Operator LotV online
1378 Voltz US Z 2–1 Z US Ukko 708 LotV online
1542 MCanning US P 2–1 Z US Hunta 1295 LotV online
1437 CatZ PE Z 2–0 P US Early 954 LotV online
1340 DisK CA P 2–1 P US AmpliFy 907 LotV online
1889 Jig CA Z 2–0 Z CA picur 798 LotV online
1535 Bioice CA Z 2–0 Z CR EON 779 LotV online
1109 Vindicta US T 2–1 P US Astrea 1420 LotV online
1248 Rob US P 2–0 T CA THERIDDLER 1021 LotV online
1486 Pokebunny US T 2–0 Z CA ZenedoR 890 LotV online
980 Buster CA T 2–0 T CA Sottorks 1153 LotV online
987 Neuro US Z 2–1 P US Hupsaiya 934 LotV online
1571 PandaBearMe US Z 2–0 P US omgabanana 1460 LotV online
1084 RSM US Z 2–0 T US avilo 1054 LotV online
WCS 2017 Montreal Qualifiers North America Qualifier #2 Ro16 hide (8)
1306 Dolan US T 2–1 Z US Silky 1535 LotV online
1338 starkiller US Z 2–0 Z US Voltz 1378 LotV online
1542 MCanning US P 2–1 Z PE CatZ 1437 LotV online
1655 Jig CA Z 2–1 P CA DisK 1386 LotV online
1443 Pokebunny US T 2–1 P US Rob 1248 LotV online
1765 PandaBearMe US Z 2–0 Z US RSM 1075 LotV online
1383 Bioice CA Z 2–0 T US Vindicta 1168 LotV online
941 Neuro US Z 2–1 T CA Buster 1060 LotV online
WCS 2017 Montreal Qualifiers North America Qualifier #2 Ro8 hide (4)
1259 starkiller US Z 2–1 T US Dolan 1306 LotV online
1655 Jig CA Z 2–1 P US MCanning 1542 LotV online
1383 Bioice CA Z 2–1 T US Pokebunny 1486 LotV online
1765 PandaBearMe US Z 2–0 Z US Neuro 986 LotV online

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