StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for May 16, 2020

Alpha X Junior Championships #6 Group Stage Group A hide (5)
1168 arrogfire FR P 2–1 P UK OpTiMiStC 903 LotV online
1090 Ghosti DE Z 2–0 T US EndlessTv 967 LotV online
1157 arrogfire FR P 2–0 Z DE Ghosti 1117 LotV online
902 OpTiMiStC UK P 2–1 T US EndlessTv 960 LotV online
1117 Ghosti DE Z 2–0 P UK OpTiMiStC 934 LotV online
Ao Dai Weekly #34 Ro16 hide (6)
958 Darkvoid SG T 2–0 P VN Prime LotV online
903 Nameless SG Z 2–0 T MY foO 912 LotV online
1218 Uply VN Z 2–0 P VN AshenOne 882 LotV online
1164 Ranger MY P 0–2 Z PH NUKS 1099 LotV online
1025 Vivid AU Z 2–1 P VN RGPAAT 1024 LotV online
1250 JusticeSimon VN P 2–0 Z SG RagingDino LotV online
Ao Dai Weekly #34 Ro8 hide (4)
1266 Quantel ID P 2–0 T SG Darkvoid 958 LotV online
892 Nameless SG Z 0–2 Z VN Uply 1324 LotV online
939 ProbiusJones VN T 0–2 Z PH NUKS 1192 LotV online
1025 Vivid AU Z 1–2 P VN JusticeSimon 1250 LotV online
Ao Dai Weekly #34 Ro4 hide (2)
1306 Quantel ID P 2–0 Z VN Uply 1218 LotV online
1099 NUKS PH Z 1–2 P VN JusticeSimon 1250 LotV online
Ao Dai Weekly #34 Final hide (1)
1180 Quantel ID P 3–1 P VN JusticeSimon 1235 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Grand Platypus Open #30 Ro16 hide (6)
940 bayagster PH P 0–2 Z AU Vivid 1025 LotV online
1233 Ranger MY P 2–0 P AU StarDuck 944 LotV online
907 GeoHen PH Z 0–2 Z IN Demi 1711 LotV online
1699 Azure AU T 2–1 Z PH NUKS 1192 LotV online
1323 Bistork HK P 1–2 P VN JusticeSimon 1235 LotV online
765 Aires MY T 0–2 P AU Pezz 1571 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Grand Platypus Open #30 Ro8 hide (4)
1668 GogojOey HK Z 2–0 Z AU Vivid 1025 LotV online
1164 Ranger MY P 1–2 Z IN Demi 1667 LotV online
1685 MeomaikA VN Z 2–1 T AU Azure 1699 LotV online
1235 JusticeSimon VN P 0–2 P AU Pezz 1486 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Grand Platypus Open #30 Ro4 hide (2)
1668 GogojOey HK Z 2–0 Z IN Demi 1711 LotV online
1636 MeomaikA VN Z 0–2 P AU Pezz 1755 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Grand Platypus Open #30 Final hide (1)
1799 GogojOey HK Z 3–0 P AU Pezz 1755 LotV online
GSL 2020 Season 1 Code S Ro16 Group D hide (5)
3222 Maru KR T 2–1 Z KR SHIN 2723 LotV offline
2961 INnoVation KR T 2–0 P KR Zest 2872 LotV offline
3000 Maru KR T 0–2 T KR INnoVation 2998 LotV offline
2674 SHIN KR Z 2–0 P KR Zest 2759 LotV offline
3222 Maru KR T 2–0 Z KR SHIN 2723 LotV offline
NetEase GPC 2020 Tier 2 #5 Ro64 hide (5)
1361 Bistork HK P 2–0 R CN 党培恩 LotV online
1024 Star CN T 2–0 R CN 且听风 LotV online
896 Fenix CN Z 2–0 R CN 斯圣斌 LotV online
1004 TurN CN P 0–2 T CN 极限喵花 942 LotV online
964 Tensor CN P 0–2 Z CN 张荣 LotV online
NetEase GPC 2020 Tier 2 #5 Ro32 hide (10)
1752 BreakingGG CN Z 2–0 P CN Summer 842 LotV online
1799 GogojOey HK Z 2–0 P CN JoliwaLoves 990 LotV online
1982 XiGua CN Z 1–2 P HK Bistork 1354 LotV online
1547 Punk CN Z 2–1 P CN Migi 1068 LotV online
2028 Firefly CN P 2–0 Z CN Fenix 928 LotV online
1527 Jim CN P 2–0 T CN 极限喵花 942 LotV online
1958 Lancer CN P 2–0 T CN 管胤凯 973 LotV online
1709 MacSed CN P 1–2 P CN EnChant 1117 LotV online
1754 Jieshi CN P 2–0 T CN 李翰林 973 LotV online
2499 Oliveira CN T 2–0 T CN 杜俊豪 1023 LotV online
REGENERATE Open Weekly #75 Ro64 hide (6)
1946 Bee RU Z 0–1 Z UA DIMAGA 1773 LotV online
985 PlayEatSleep DE Z 0–1 P RU KryukoV 987 LotV online
vexel RU T 0–1 P RU Hitka 923 LotV online
990 bobon IL P 1–0 T FR ACinfr 916 LotV online
1735 Brat_OK RU T 1–0 P PL Vavin 867 LotV online
908 aelliot UA P 1–0 P PE Dmega 819 LotV online
REGENERATE Open Weekly #75 Ro32 hide (14)
1773 DIMAGA UA Z 1–0 Z MX Cham 2328 LotV online
1709 Minatoeh UA Z 1–0 P RU Exostriker 1287 LotV online
987 KryukoV RU P 1–0 T FR Zphir 962 LotV online
985 Nikitos RU P 0–1 P DE ForJumy 1231 LotV online
881 Hitka RU P 1–0 Z RU spireet 989 LotV online
1494 EnigmA RU P 1–0 Z RU evgenum LotV online
zhalo UA P 0–1 P RU GeNieS 1243 LotV online
cristian RU P 0–1 T RU Antlko 720 LotV online
990 bobon IL P 0–1 T RU ChesteR 809 LotV online
1735 Brat_OK RU T 0–1 P PL Krystianer 2010 LotV online
1824 AqueroN ES T 1–0 T RU MilkiCow 1762 LotV online
979 aelliot UA P 0–1 T UA Kas 1857 LotV online
976 karaks RU T 1–0 Z RU AggressOr LotV online
1335 LIGHTWEIGHT KZ P 1–0 Z UA vgrets LotV online
REGENERATE Open Weekly #75 Ro16 hide (8)
1773 DIMAGA UA Z 1–2 Z UA Minatoeh 1710 LotV online
987 KryukoV RU P 0–2 P DE ForJumy 1231 LotV online
894 Hitka RU P 0–2 P RU EnigmA 1316 LotV online
1285 GeNieS RU P 2–0 T RU Antlko 720 LotV online
762 ChesteR RU T 2–0 Z RU GoldFridge LotV online
2010 Krystianer PL P 2–0 T ES AqueroN 1872 LotV online
1857 Kas UA T 2–0 P RU FANATICK 991 LotV online
933 karaks RU T 0–2 P KZ LIGHTWEIGHT 1405 LotV online
REGENERATE Open Weekly #75 Ro8 hide (4)
1709 Minatoeh UA Z 2–0 P DE ForJumy 1126 LotV online
1316 EnigmA RU P 2–1 P RU GeNieS 1243 LotV online
809 ChesteR RU T 0–2 P PL Krystianer 2010 LotV online
1857 Kas UA T 2–0 P KZ LIGHTWEIGHT 1405 LotV online
REGENERATE Open Weekly #75 Ro4 hide (2)
1709 Minatoeh UA Z 2–1 P RU EnigmA 1494 LotV online
2010 Krystianer PL P 1–2 T UA Kas 1857 LotV online
REGENERATE Open Weekly #75 Final hide (1)
1674 Minatoeh UA Z 0–3 T UA Kas 1872 LotV online
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #133 Ro32 hide (1)
1248 Aristori PL Z 2–0 P PL Mordrago 909 LotV online
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #133 Ro16 hide (7)
2328 Cham MX Z 2–0 Z PL Aristori 1292 LotV online
1613 PAPI PL P 2–0 P PL Ziomek 1270 LotV online
2201 Gerald PL P 2–0 P US PattyMac 1545 LotV online
2405 Wayne RU Z 2–1 P US Ryan 1038 LotV online
2081 Bee RU Z 2–0 P US TheTRUTH 1012 LotV online
1235 JusticeSimon VN P 0–2 P RU Exostriker 1420 LotV online
1817 Vindicta US T 2–0 P US NasisNazty -10 LotV online
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #133 Ro8 hide (4)
2124 Gerald PL P 0–2 Z RU Wayne 2405 LotV online
2010 Krystianer PL P 2–1 T US Vindicta 1817 LotV online
2081 Bee RU Z 2–0 P RU Exostriker 1287 LotV online
2260 Cham MX Z 2–0 P PL PAPI 1611 LotV online
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #133 Ro4 hide (2)
2328 Cham MX Z 2–0 Z RU Wayne 2388 LotV online
2146 Krystianer PL P 2–1 Z RU Bee 2081 LotV online
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #133 Third place match hide (1)
2388 Wayne RU Z 2–0 Z RU Bee 1946 LotV online
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #133 Final hide (1)
2260 Cham MX Z 0–2 P PL Krystianer 2146 LotV online
SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #23 hide (13)
1479 EnigmA RU P 0–1 T BR Kelazhur 2267 LotV online
2435 Bly UA Z 0–1 T BR Kelazhur 2562 LotV online
-10 NasisNazty US P 0–1 T BR Kelazhur 2267 LotV online
1458 Lillekanin DK T 0–1 T BR Kelazhur 2179 LotV online
1382 Mixu FI Z 0–1 T BR Kelazhur 2562 LotV online
1627 Silky CN Z 0–1 T BR Kelazhur 2562 LotV online
1912 MaxPax DK P 0–1 T BR Kelazhur 2267 LotV online
1488 Snoxtar PL Z 0–1 T BR Kelazhur 2562 LotV online
2136 Gerald PL P 0–1 T BR Kelazhur 2267 LotV online
1987 Bee RU Z 0–1 T BR Kelazhur 2562 LotV online
1616 Marsman NL P 0–1 T BR Kelazhur 2267 LotV online
1685 MeomaikA VN Z 0–1 T BR Kelazhur 2562 LotV online
2319 Spirit PL T 1–0 T BR Kelazhur 2179 LotV online
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #15 Ro32 hide (7)
854 Justiceiro BR P 0–2 P PE Dmega 819 LotV online
MiroReaper US Z 2–0 P BR MimeronVex 775 LotV online
1215 perhark PE Z 0–2 T US imeurotrash 1401 LotV online
964 PapiDx T 0–2 T BO Drake 932 LotV online
881 Artcs PE T 0–2 P US PattyMac 1332 LotV online
971 Ruiyichi US P 2–1 P US TheTRUTH 1170 LotV online
569 chorocarlo CL Z 2–1 P US NasisNazty 13 LotV online
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #15 Ro16 hide (8)
1744 eGGz CO Z 2–0 P PE Dmega 846 LotV online
1524 Sinner MX T 2–0 Z US Pastry 961 LotV online
917 AreZ BR T 0–2 Z US MiroReaper LotV online
1352 DarkUnnamed BO Z 2–0 T BO Drake 962 LotV online
1573 Pacomike MX P 2–1 T US imeurotrash 1408 LotV online
1401 Prototype US Z 0–2 P US PattyMac 1417 LotV online
1168 ETpwnHome US Z 2–0 P US Ruiyichi 1025 LotV online
1294 Maplez CA P 2–0 Z CL chorocarlo 569 LotV online
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #15 Ro8 hide (4)
1836 eGGz CO Z 2–0 T MX Sinner 1524 LotV online
MiroReaper US Z 0–2 Z BO DarkUnnamed 1356 LotV online
1658 Pacomike MX P 0–2 P US PattyMac 1545 LotV online
1168 ETpwnHome US Z 2–1 P CA Maplez 1294 LotV online
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #15 Ro4 hide (2)
1823 eGGz CO Z 2–0 Z BO DarkUnnamed 1356 LotV online
1417 PattyMac US P 2–1 Z US ETpwnHome 1168 LotV online
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #15 Final hide (1)
1744 eGGz CO Z 1–3 P US PattyMac 1417 LotV online
TopTierPractice Cup #1 Ro32 hide (6)
658 Toperoco DE R 2–1 Z CN Spy 1027 LotV online
Horizon US Z 0–2 P CA Jenasin 902 LotV online
FeTo DE R 2–0 P US NasisNazty 12 LotV online
Tropzy Z 0–2 T RU MilkiCow 1809 LotV online
DeDaux P 0–2 P RU Exostriker 1420 LotV online
LaZuli T 2–0 P BG Endless 989 LotV online
TopTierPractice Cup #1 Ro16 hide (6)
1773 DisK CA P 2–0 R DE Toperoco 647 LotV online
943 AGIANTSMURF US P 0–2 P US RaNgeD 1113 LotV online
1545 PattyMac US P 2–0 P CA Jenasin 906 LotV online
1683 MacSed CN P 2–0 T LaZuli LotV online
417 TheMoeHawk MY P 0–2 T RU MilkiCow 1724 LotV online
1034 Ryan US P 0–2 P RU Exostriker 1420 LotV online
TopTierPractice Cup #1 Ro8 hide (4)
1703 DisK CA P 2–0 P US RaNgeD 1113 LotV online
1545 PattyMac US P 2–0 P PL PAPI 1613 LotV online
1709 MacSed CN P 2–0 P NL HiGhDrA 969 LotV online
1724 MilkiCow RU T 2–0 P RU Exostriker 1310 LotV online
TopTierPractice Cup #1 Ro4 hide (2)
1703 DisK CA P 2–1 P US PattyMac 1545 LotV online
1683 MacSed CN P 2–0 T RU MilkiCow 1724 LotV online
TopTierPractice Cup #1 Final hide (1)
1703 DisK CA P 2–3 P CN MacSed 1709 LotV online
TSL #5 Main Event WB Ro24 hide (8)
2479 Lambo DE Z 1–3 T NL uThermal 2809 LotV online
2759 Solar KR Z 0–3 Z KR DRG 2359 LotV online
2458 PartinG KR P 1–3 P PL MaNa 2461 LotV online
2857 TY KR T 3–1 Z RU Wayne 2384 LotV online
2782 Elazer PL Z 3–1 P NL Harstem 2333 LotV online
2985 Reynor IT Z 3–0 T US Future 2384 LotV online
2745 soO KR Z 3–0 P FR PtitDrogo 2529 LotV online
2345 SpeCial MX T 3–0 T CN Oliveira 2499 LotV online
Winner Winner I'll Buy You Dinner #1 Ro8 hide (3)
1122 LaughNgamez CA T 1–0 T FloridaMan LotV online
Darksoulxx P 0–1 T US PeeAndKeele LotV online
AlexKidd T 0–1 Z US ZanityEZ LotV online
Winner Winner I'll Buy You Dinner #1 Ro4 hide (2)
932 xyxer CA T 0–1 T CA LaughNgamez 1122 LotV online
PeeAndKeele US T 0–1 Z US ZanityEZ LotV online
Winner Winner I'll Buy You Dinner #1 Final hide (1)
1258 LaughNgamez CA T 2–0 Z US ZanityEZ LotV online

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