StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for Nov. 7, 2022

ESL Open Cup Europe #148 Ro128 hide (38)
778 Vavin PL P 0–2 Z SE Tendo 974 LotV online
1853 CuKu RO T 2–0 P RU YoungStar 1197 LotV online
1298 Zenith SE Z 2–0 Z FR Syrril 769 LotV online
934 Liot RU P 0–2 P LT Bush 1181 LotV online
946 VVCaptain FI P 2–0 R HR Minideva 904 LotV online
571 Smarty RO T 0–2 T PL Flexy 1068 LotV online
1588 Nikich BY Z 2–0 P NL DaKilah 1003 LotV online
543 Pive FI Z 0–2 P UK Pudgey 1075 LotV online
866 Michnek UA P 1–2 T PL Angry 972 LotV online
793 Bubbas SE P 0–2 P PL AnT 864 LotV online
1327 Fjant SE Z 2–0 P PL Krasny 876 LotV online
974 Koyee HU T 0–2 T RU Xistl 1284 LotV online
710 fzmr RU Z 0–2 P FR Deca 1227 LotV online
862 mason US Z 2–0 P DE asPredicted 972 LotV online
935 Devaax HR R 0–2 T BY SaLemandr 1080 LotV online
1093 Gref UA P 2–0 Z DE BlackLegacy 904 LotV online
1866 Brat_OK RU T 2–0 R KG Sipuha LotV online
661 Matrixx PL P 0–2 P PL Indy 1700 LotV online
1536 Quantel ID P 0–2 Z DK Anticore 980 LotV online
961 Lurtz DE T 2–0 T LT Dephy 701 LotV online
1888 MindelVK RU P 0–2 P BY SickNess 1367 LotV online
Well RU T 0–2 P FR arrogfire 1949 LotV online
852 Flame PL P 0–2 P DE Blutmilan 888 LotV online
1001 Jesu UK T 2–1 P RU Kulinar 897 LotV online
968 Zergling US Z 0–2 T DE Soon 1334 LotV online
924 PhleBuster FI Z 2–1 T FR Gaettwo 720 LotV online
1842 Silky CN Z 2–0 T IE Xellos 1105 LotV online
158 imius RU Z 0–2 P DE HolyHit 1671 LotV online
1009 Job NL P 2–0 Z SE Davelitoss 224 LotV online
1012 Terxel DE T 2–0 P GR Statis 944 LotV online
1122 Azura IT P 2–0 P DE Kuschelbunny 602 LotV online
1670 Creed RU T 2–0 Z UA DIMAGA 2079 LotV online
779 Cognite US P 1–2 P RU NaJi 932 LotV online
934 月野鹿 CN Z 2–0 P US coconutgamezz 611 LotV online
1817 PAPI PL P 2–0 P DE Hanson 769 LotV online
1209 Bumbz SE P 2–0 T AT roLi 831 LotV online
898 SooThSayeR FR Z 0–2 Z PL BadBorz 821 LotV online
952 Wingent DE P 0–2 P DE Xenops 1003 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #148 Ro64 hide (31)
3402 Clem FR T 2–0 Z SE Tendo 1017 LotV online
1708 CuKu RO T 0–2 Z SE Zenith 1233 LotV online
2242 goblin HR P 2–0 P LT Bush 1181 LotV online
955 VVCaptain FI P 0–2 T US Vindicta 1966 LotV online
2376 Kelazhur BR T 2–0 T PL Flexy 1068 LotV online
1718 Nikich BY Z 2–0 T UA Kas 2130 LotV online
1670 Mixu FI Z 2–0 P UK Pudgey 1075 LotV online
972 Angry PL T 0–2 P FR ShaDoWn 2127 LotV online
3207 MaxPax DK P 2–0 P PL AnT 864 LotV online
1348 Fjant SE Z 2–1 T RU Xistl 1356 LotV online
1612 Aristori PL Z 2–0 P FR Deca 1227 LotV online
862 mason US Z 0–2 P PL MaNa 2391 LotV online
2306 DnS FR P 2–0 T BY SaLemandr 1120 LotV online
1331 Gref UA P 0–2 P CN Firefly 2245 LotV online
1786 Brat_OK RU T 1–2 P PL Indy 1902 LotV online
980 Anticore DK Z 0–2 P DE ShoWTimE 2990 LotV online
2847 Lambo DE Z 2–0 T DE Lurtz 961 LotV online
1367 SickNess BY P 0–2 P FR arrogfire 2101 LotV online
1697 BabyMarine IT T 2–1 P DE Blutmilan 936 LotV online
1001 Jesu UK T 0–2 P DE GunGFuBanDa 2453 LotV online
2606 trigger CA P 2–0 T DE Soon 1240 LotV online
991 PhleBuster FI Z 2–0 P HU AZTEX 535 LotV online
1765 Silky CN Z 2–0 P DE HolyHit 1671 LotV online
963 Job NL P 0–2 T PL Spirit 2619 LotV online
2677 SKillous RU P 2–0 T DE Terxel 1012 LotV online
1156 Azura IT P 1–2 T RU Creed 1622 LotV online
857 Astra RU P 2–1 P RU NaJi 932 LotV online
1016 Kinpach RU T 0–2 P PL Gerald 2281 LotV online
1817 PAPI PL P 2–1 P UA NightPhoenix 1845 LotV online
1302 Bumbz SE P 2–0 Z PL BadBorz 796 LotV online
996 Xenops DE P 0–2 T DE HeRoMaRinE 3211 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #148 Ro32 hide (16)
2262 goblin HR P 2–0 T US Vindicta 1966 LotV online
2773 Kelazhur BR T 2–0 Z BY Nikich 1718 LotV online
1670 Mixu FI Z 0–2 P FR ShaDoWn 2255 LotV online
3157 MaxPax DK P 2–0 Z SE Fjant 1327 LotV online
1612 Aristori PL Z 0–2 P PL MaNa 2391 LotV online
2283 DnS FR P 1–2 P CN Firefly 2245 LotV online
1700 Indy PL P 0–2 P DE ShoWTimE 2862 LotV online
2993 Lambo DE Z 2–0 P FR arrogfire 2029 LotV online
1697 BabyMarine IT T 0–2 P DE GunGFuBanDa 2453 LotV online
2515 trigger CA P 2–0 Z FI PhleBuster 991 LotV online
1842 Silky CN Z 0–2 T PL Spirit 2812 LotV online
2677 SKillous RU P 2–0 T RU Creed 1622 LotV online
857 Astra RU P 0–2 P PL Gerald 2465 LotV online
934 月野鹿 CN Z 1–2 P PL PAPI 1957 LotV online
1209 Bumbz SE P 0–2 T DE HeRoMaRinE 3211 LotV online
3402 Clem FR T 2–0 Z SE Zenith 1233 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #148 Ro16 hide (8)
3204 Clem FR T 2–0 P HR goblin 2262 LotV online
2627 Kelazhur BR T 0–2 P FR ShaDoWn 2127 LotV online
3207 MaxPax DK P 0–2 P PL MaNa 2406 LotV online
2245 Firefly CN P 1–2 P DE ShoWTimE 2862 LotV online
2993 Lambo DE Z 2–1 P DE GunGFuBanDa 2483 LotV online
2606 trigger CA P 1–2 T PL Spirit 2619 LotV online
2680 SKillous RU P 0–2 P PL Gerald 2465 LotV online
1828 PAPI PL P 0–2 T DE HeRoMaRinE 3211 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #148 Ro8 hide (4)
3204 Clem FR T 2–0 P FR ShaDoWn 2127 LotV online
2406 MaNa PL P 2–1 P DE ShoWTimE 2862 LotV online
2847 Lambo DE Z 2–0 T PL Spirit 2812 LotV online
2281 Gerald PL P 0–2 T DE HeRoMaRinE 3211 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #148 Ro4 hide (2)
3204 Clem FR T 2–1 P PL MaNa 2202 LotV online
2847 Lambo DE Z 1–2 T DE HeRoMaRinE 2948 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #148 Final hide (1)
3070 Clem FR T 3–0 T DE HeRoMaRinE 2889 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #148 Ro64 hide (28)
1662 threepoint KR Z 2–0 P FR Deca 1227 LotV online
1888 HonMonO KR T 0–2 P US Galeforce 991 LotV online
998 月野鹿 CN Z 0–2 T US Epic 2524 LotV online
2281 Gerald PL P 2–0 T BO Electrodark 970 LotV online
1306 Timorus US T 2–0 Z FR Syrril 466 LotV online
1085 LEGENDARY CA P 1–2 Z CA Invux 1054 LotV online
Brods US R 0–2 P KR NightMare 2400 LotV online
2925 GuMiho KR T 2–0 T US Tap LotV online
1203 DisReSpeCT US T 2–0 T MX WhiteIdra 952 LotV online
960 fork KR P 2–0 Z SE Davelitoss 224 LotV online
871 bksc US P 0–2 T US Vindicta 1966 LotV online
2338 Nina US P 2–0 Z US EchoSoldier 922 LotV online
1029 Terxel DE T 0–2 Z AU PiG 1664 LotV online
972 Pudgey UK P 2–1 P US Voltz 1637 LotV online
1521 Creature US P 2–0 P US SewerBadger 946 LotV online
864 QuackAttack US R 0–2 P CN Firefly 2261 LotV online
2688 uThermal NL T 2–0 Z SV Rare 955 LotV online
879 SlayersMvP CU T 0–2 P CA Jason 1823 LotV online
1062 ProbeiusCorp US T 2–0 Z US mason 822 LotV online
2369 Nice TW P 2–0 Z US listenheremoose LotV online
1313 Poker US P 2–1 Z PL BadBorz 796 LotV online
1209 Bumbz SE P 2–1 T PE Fuego 1524 LotV online
saahir US Z 0–2 P CA trigger 2515 LotV online
1359 Jinioh KR T 2–0 Z BR Silvalhd 775 LotV online
971 Zergling US Z 0–2 Z CN Silky 1800 LotV online
1794 TheZergLord BR Z 2–0 Z FR YellowFox 1328 LotV online
Visrix US Z 0–2 Z KR Solar 2984 LotV online
Erodius US Z 0–2 T KR Cure 3015 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #148 Ro32 hide (16)
2930 Creator KR P 2–0 Z KR threepoint 1662 LotV online
991 Galeforce US P 0–2 T US Epic 1923 LotV online
2281 Gerald PL P 2–0 T US Timorus 1303 LotV online
1054 Invux CA Z 0–2 P KR NightMare 2322 LotV online
2925 GuMiho KR T 2–0 T US DisReSpeCT 1203 LotV online
1029 fork KR P 0–2 T US Vindicta 1966 LotV online
2338 Nina US P 2–0 Z AU PiG 1563 LotV online
1075 Pudgey UK P 0–2 Z KR Solar 3052 LotV online
3360 ByuN KR T 2–0 Z FI PhleBuster 924 LotV online
1521 Creature US P 0–2 P CN Firefly 2245 LotV online
2430 uThermal NL T 2–0 P CA Jason 1823 LotV online
1108 ProbeiusCorp US T 0–2 T KR Cure 2965 LotV online
2180 Nice TW P 2–1 P US Poker 1209 LotV online
1359 Bumbz SE P 0–2 P CA trigger 2633 LotV online
1359 Jinioh KR T 2–0 Z CN Silky 1842 LotV online
1673 TheZergLord BR Z 0–2 P US Astrea 2904 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #148 Ro16 hide (8)
2814 Creator KR P 1–2 T US Epic 1923 LotV online
2465 Gerald PL P 2–1 P KR NightMare 2399 LotV online
2925 GuMiho KR T 2–1 T US Vindicta 2168 LotV online
2338 Nina US P 0–2 Z KR Solar 3052 LotV online
3305 ByuN KR T 2–1 P CN Firefly 2213 LotV online
2513 uThermal NL T 1–2 T KR Cure 2965 LotV online
2180 Nice TW P 0–2 P CA trigger 2633 LotV online
1449 Jinioh KR T 0–2 P US Astrea 2870 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #148 Ro8 hide (4)
1923 Epic US T 2–1 P PL Gerald 2281 LotV online
3005 GuMiho KR T 1–2 Z KR Solar 3212 LotV online
3171 ByuN KR T 2–0 T KR Cure 2965 LotV online
2633 trigger CA P 1–2 P US Astrea 2626 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #148 Ro4 hide (2)
2524 Epic US T 0–2 Z KR Solar 3212 LotV online
3305 ByuN KR T 0–2 P US Astrea 2870 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #148 Final hide (1)
3052 Solar KR Z 3–1 P US Astrea 2904 LotV online
LCSC Torneo de Afiliados #12 WB Ro4 hide (2)
1215 Vyse CU P 2–0 P CU DeMi 1009 LotV online
LCSC Torneo de Afiliados #12 LB Round 4 hide (2)
967 rathmA CU Z 0–2 P CU Zelda 1033 LotV online
PiG Sty Festival #2 Main Event Group Stage Group B hide (5)
2942 Dark KR Z 2–0 Z KR SHIN 2876 LotV online
3204 Clem FR T 2–0 P KR Zoun 2814 LotV online
3213 Dark KR Z 2–0 T FR Clem 3402 LotV online
3050 SHIN KR Z 2–0 P KR Zoun 2872 LotV online
3402 Clem FR T 2–0 Z KR SHIN 3139 LotV online
SCBoy World Team League 2022 Winter League-S Regular Season Round 6 Invictus Gaming vs Team GP hide (3)
2194 Coffee CN T 0–2 P KR Prince 2340 LotV online
2109 MacSed CN P 1–1 Z MX Cham 2326 LotV online
1791 XY CN T 0–2 P KR NightMare 2478 LotV online
SCBoy World Team League 2022 Winter League-S Regular Season Round 6 KaiZi Gaming vs CranKy Ducklings hide (3)
2698 Oliveira CN T 2–0 T US Dolan 1639 LotV online
3364 Reynor IT Z 2–0 P US PattyMac 2025 LotV online
2342 Spirit PL T 1–1 T US Vindicta 2168 LotV online
Vulcan Cup 2022 Fall Season Finals WB Ro24 hide (8)
967 GipsyDanger DK T 3–1 P PL Juggernaut 947 LotV online
1218 Flexy PL T 0–3 Z US OldManSlum 1069 LotV online
934 Kyboi US Z 3–1 T RU Silwercrow 738 LotV online
1106 Vailem RU P 3–0 P UA Michnek 783 LotV online
1015 Lamduy VN T 3–0 P UA Gref 1086 LotV online
990 PanFuncio PL T 3–1 P FR Cobblestone 997 LotV online
928 universe KR T 3–2 Z RU RARKA 922 LotV online
1011 UpATree CA T 2–3 P UA gunner 916 LotV online

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