StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for Aug. 4, 2024

3D Clan Community Super Cup #1 Ro64 hide (6)
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doomsday RU P 0–2 P UA Rostok 1768 LotV online
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ExpressImba Z 2–0 T RU troshaland 845 LotV online
3D Clan Community Super Cup #1 Ro32 hide (14)
1486 UedSoldier RU P 2–0 P RU FIIClicK 862 LotV online
1717 GgMaChine RU Z 2–0 P RU Blinchik 841 LotV online
2418 YoungYakov RU Z 2–0 P UA Rostok 1468 LotV online
1214 ProtoZZavr RU T 2–0 Z RU RARKA 927 LotV online
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1060 Taruviel RU P 2–0 Z RU Iosup 1024 LotV online
2446 Gerald PL P 2–0 Z RU TheWorld 806 LotV online
973 Niks P 2–0 Z RU Fallenger 1154 LotV online
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1442 Replicant KZ T 2–0 T FR StarLight 807 LotV online
1558 Matvey RU T 2–0 T RU Timreiner 943 LotV online
3D Clan Community Super Cup #1 Ro16 hide (8)
2603 Strange RU P 2–0 R UA HackErIsTop 1090 LotV online
1692 UedSoldier RU P 2–0 Z RU GgMaChine 1717 LotV online
2502 YoungYakov RU Z 2–0 T RU ProtoZZavr 1214 LotV online
1992 Shameless RU P 2–0 P RU Taruviel 1074 LotV online
2459 Gerald PL P 2–0 P RU Nikis 942 LotV online
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1442 Replicant KZ T 2–1 T RU Matvey 1558 LotV online
2062 Nikich BY Z 2–0 P KZ Praetor 1055 LotV online
3D Clan Community Super Cup #1 Ro8 hide (4)
2748 Strange RU P 2–0 P RU UedSoldier 1486 LotV online
2418 YoungYakov RU Z 2–0 P RU Shameless 1938 LotV online
2279 Gerald PL P 2–0 T RU MilkiCow 2217 LotV online
1972 Nikich BY Z 2–1 T KZ Replicant 1641 LotV online
3D Clan Community Super Cup #1 Ro4 hide (2)
2573 Strange RU P 3–2 Z RU YoungYakov 2418 LotV online
2446 Gerald PL P 3–0 Z BY Nikich 2062 LotV online
3D Clan Community Super Cup #1 Finals hide (1)
2748 Strange RU P 0–4 P PL Gerald 2459 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #60 Ro32 hide (2)
951 Lochka UA P 2–0 Z US MalikusPrime LotV online
796 ZeroBrain SE T 2–0 T UA salMoon LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #60 Ro16 hide (8)
2586 Krystianer PL P 2–0 P UA Lochka 874 LotV online
1300 Azura IT P 2–1 P UA Michnek 1057 LotV online
1972 Nikich BY Z 2–0 T DE Captainfisch 1004 LotV online
1938 Shameless RU P 2–0 Z FR Matt 985 LotV online
2279 Gerald PL P 2–0 T SE ZeroBrain 808 LotV online
1518 ReBellioN KR P 2–0 P KZ Praetor 1099 LotV online
2180 ArT PL P 2–0 Z BY bulochkin 863 LotV online
1613 Rostok UA P 2–1 R UA HackErIsTop 1090 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #60 Ro8 hide (4)
2062 Nikich BY Z 0–2 P RU Shameless 1938 LotV online
2459 Gerald PL P 2–1 P KR ReBellioN 1518 LotV online
2116 ArT PL P 2–0 P UA Rostok 1768 LotV online
2586 Krystianer PL P 2–0 P IT Azura 1300 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #60 Ro4 hide (2)
2586 Krystianer PL P 1–2 P RU Shameless 1992 LotV online
2459 Gerald PL P 1–2 P PL ArT 2116 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #60 Finals hide (1)
1992 Shameless RU P 1–3 P PL ArT 2116 LotV online
Legacy Weekly Japan #419 Ro16 hide (2)
450 yumedoko JP Z 0–2 T JP NOTAKON 1822 LotV online
1235 hirekui JP T 2–0 P JP ark 445 LotV online
Legacy Weekly Japan #419 Ro8 hide (4)
1414 NoaShirayuki JP P 2–1 T JP NOTAKON 1748 LotV online
597 Nori JP Z 0–2 Z JP kaiman 1258 LotV online
1862 PSiArc JP T 2–0 T JP hirekui 1175 LotV online
973 CriMsoN JP P 2–0 T JP REIVAN 759 LotV online
Legacy Weekly Japan #419 Ro4 hide (2)
1442 NoaShirayuki JP P 2–1 Z JP kaiman 826 LotV online
1842 PSiArc JP T 2–1 P JP CriMsoN 973 LotV online
Legacy Weekly Japan #419 Finals hide (1)
1414 NoaShirayuki JP P 0–2 T JP PSiArc 1842 LotV online
Lil Stormy Cup #13 Round 1 hide (1)
953 dlsmizel PH T 0–3 T US Epic 2090 LotV online
Lil Stormy Cup #13 Finals hide (1)
2279 Gerald PL P 4–2 T US Epic 2029 LotV online
PORT Season 2 All Districts Ro16 hide (3)
1214 ProtoZZavr RU T 0–2 Z RU YoungYakov 2502 LotV online
2488 Strange RU P 2–0 T RU Rostxrust 923 LotV online
1938 Shameless RU P 2–0 Z RU GgMaChine 1717 LotV online
PORT Season 2 All Districts Ro8 hide (4)
2418 YoungYakov RU Z 2–1 P RU Strange 2573 LotV online
1992 Shameless RU P 2–0 P RU Blinchik 759 LotV online
833 troshaland RU T 0–2 P RU UedSoldier 1628 LotV online
1584 Ashbringer RU P 2–0 P RU RAZER 1026 LotV online
PORT Season 2 All Districts Ro4 hide (2)
2418 YoungYakov RU Z 0–2 P RU Shameless 1938 LotV online
1486 UedSoldier RU P 2–1 P RU Ashbringer 1584 LotV online
PORT Season 2 All Districts Third Place Match hide (1)
2418 YoungYakov RU Z 2–0 P RU Ashbringer 1623 LotV online
PORT Season 2 All Districts Finals hide (1)
1992 Shameless RU P 0–3 P RU UedSoldier 1486 LotV online
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #149 Main Event Group Stage Group A hide (10)
3162 ByuN KR T 2–0 Z SE Fjant 1830 LotV online
3079 ByuN KR T 2–0 P DE Jumy 2089 LotV online
3162 ByuN KR T 2–0 Z MX Cham 2289 LotV online
2180 ArT PL P 0–2 Z SE Fjant 1856 LotV online
2616 Cham MX Z 2–0 Z SE Fjant 1652 LotV online
2107 ArT PL P 1–1 T KR ByuN 3079 LotV online
2418 Cham MX Z 1–1 P DE Jumy 2172 LotV online
1856 Fjant SE Z 1–1 P DE Jumy 2172 LotV online
2180 ArT PL P 1–1 Z MX Cham 2418 LotV online
2116 ArT PL P 1–1 P DE Jumy 2134 LotV online
SCBoy World Team League 2024 Summer League-S Regular Season Round 11 Starlight Twinkle vs Shopify Rebellion hide (3)
2397 Wayne RU Z 1–1 T KR ByuN 3162 LotV online
2586 Krystianer PL P 0–2 P NL Harstem 2657 LotV online
2616 Cham MX Z 0–2 Z CA Scarlett 2777 LotV online
SCBoy World Team League 2024 Summer League-S Regular Season Round 11 Team Liquid vs Team Vitality hide (3)
3269 Clem FR T 0–2 T KR Ryung 2767 LotV online
2994 SKillous RU P 1–1 T KR Maru 3482 LotV online
3076 Cure KR T 0–2 Z KR Solar 3178 LotV online

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