StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for Feb. 6, 2025

Basilisk Big Brain Bouts #83 Bouts Match 3 hide (1)
2398 goblin HR P 2–3 T RU Nicoract 2261 LotV online
Basilisk Big Brain Bouts #83 Main Event hide (1)
2853 MaNa PL P 3–2 Z BY Nikich 2066 LotV online
SC2Online Elite Rising Star #13.5 Ro32 hide (5)
490 Hatsu RU Z 0–3 Z IN Demi 1609 LotV online
1721 LunaSea KR P 3–1 P CZ sebesdes 1622 LotV online
1644 HiGhDrA NL P 3–0 P PL Ziomek 1332 LotV online
1934 BabyMarine IT T 3–1 P PL PAPI 1843 LotV online
1946 Iba UK Z 3–0 Z DK Anticore 1298 LotV online
SC2Online Elite Rising Star #13.5 Ro16 hide (8)
1775 ReBellioN KR P 3–1 Z UK Iba 2157 LotV online
SOOP SOOPer7s #29 hide (1)
2790 Creator KR P 4–2 T KR ByuN 3069 LotV online
The UpACup Viewer Tournament #1 Ro64 hide (13)
2440 Gerald PL P 1–2 P PL Krystianer 2629 LotV online
Delthus T 0–2 T Manticohr LotV online
798 CharactR CA T 2–1 P US GeoMetro 971 LotV online
1243 Nisho IT P 2–0 P DE illias 1119 LotV online
810 Arcanewinds UK T 0–2 P CA TossNSalads 917 LotV online
456 Hatsu RU Z 0–2 P VelvetZorua LotV online
913 Airneanach US P 0–2 Z PL Pie 818 LotV online
996 Seiko UK T 2–1 Z US TheGiantNome 907 LotV online
786 PR0METH1UM US T 2–0 P US EmEf 879 LotV online
825 MorN US T 0–2 T US Patches 946 LotV online
926 Huntedswarm CA Z 2–0 P FI CostPhoenix 846 LotV online
954 Cute DE Z 0–2 P DE Nopret 853 LotV online
MarineKingJr T 0–2 T PE Fuego 1385 LotV online
The UpACup Viewer Tournament #1 Ro32 hide (16)
2261 Nicoract RU T 0–2 P PL Krystianer 2604 LotV online
2400 Jumy DE P 2–0 P IT LetaleX 1148 LotV online
2554 SpeCial MX T 2–0 T Manticohr LotV online
1006 Deny PL P 2–0 T CA CharactR 798 LotV online
KaelzY T 0–2 P IT Nisho 1177 LotV online
1644 HiGhDrA NL P 2–0 P CA TossNSalads 891 LotV online
1330 Djorjx NL T 2–0 P VelvetZorua LotV online
1120 Bulmyeolja US P 2–0 Z PL Pie 818 LotV online
1970 Dolan US T 2–0 T UK Seiko 947 LotV online
1946 Iba UK Z 2–0 Z UK Lilipadd 983 LotV online
1343 Flexy PL T 2–0 T US PR0METH1UM 772 LotV online
1050 FeTo DE T 2–0 T US Patches 946 LotV online
1992 Mixu FI Z 2–0 Z Ponyo 952 LotV online
1580 boanaan NL P 2–0 Z CA Huntedswarm 926 LotV online
1398 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T PE Fuego 1172 LotV online
1132 Greenert CA T 2–1 P DE Nopret 901 LotV online
The UpACup Viewer Tournament #1 Ro16 hide (8)
2629 Krystianer PL P 2–1 P DE Jumy 2400 LotV online
2542 SpeCial MX T 2–0 P PL Deny 1006 LotV online
1243 Nisho IT P 0–2 P NL HiGhDrA 1644 LotV online
1330 Djorjx NL T 2–0 P US Bulmyeolja 1103 LotV online
1970 Dolan US T 2–1 R UK Iba 2143 LotV online
1343 Flexy PL T 1–2 T DE FeTo 1050 LotV online
2030 Mixu FI Z 0–2 P NL boanaan 1580 LotV online
1385 Fuego PE T 2–1 T CA Greenert 1132 LotV online
The UpACup Viewer Tournament #1 Ro8 hide (4)
2604 Krystianer PL P 2–1 T MX SpeCial 2542 LotV online
1670 HiGhDrA NL P 2–0 T NL Djorjx 1330 LotV online
1970 Dolan US T 2–0 T DE FeTo 1050 LotV online
1568 boanaan NL P 2–0 T PE Fuego 1577 LotV online
The UpACup Viewer Tournament #1 Ro4 hide (2)
2629 Krystianer PL P 3–0 P NL HiGhDrA 1644 LotV online
1895 Dolan US T 3–1 P NL boanaan 1568 LotV online
The UpACup Viewer Tournament #1 Finals hide (1)
2604 Krystianer PL P 3–2 T US Dolan 1895 LotV online

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