StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for Feb. 16, 2025

Basilisk Big Brain Bouts #85 Bouts Match 3 hide (1)
1815 PsiOniC FR P 1–3 Z FI Mixu 2030 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #80 Ro32 hide (14)
1899 HonMonO KR T 1–2 P KR ReBellioN 1554 LotV online
2367 Jumy DE P 2–0 T IL Tahel 994 LotV online
2379 Wayne RU Z 2–1 T Chovka 981 LotV online
2665 Ryung KR T 2–0 P FI CostPhoenix 842 LotV online
2759 Krystianer PL P 2–0 Z AU zergtanis 775 LotV online
2139 threepoint KR Z 2–0 R UA HackErIsTop 1090 LotV online
3107 SKillous RU P 2–0 Z SE Davelitoss -38 LotV online
1961 ART RU P 2–0 P IT Azura 1341 LotV online
2440 Gerald PL P 2–0 P KR prome 1196 LotV online
2023 Percival KR T 2–0 P KR RenieHouR 1136 LotV online
2676 Creator KR P 2–0 P PL LastKeczupp 923 LotV online
2066 Nikich BY Z 2–0 P IT LetaleX 1152 LotV online
2544 YoungYakov RU Z 2–0 T DE Captainfisch 918 LotV online
2077 Nicoract RU T 2–0 T BA Merchant 572 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #80 Ro16 hide (7)
2660 Ryung KR T 2–0 Z UK Iba 2143 LotV online
2759 Krystianer PL P 2–0 Z KR threepoint 2064 LotV online
2883 SKillous RU P 2–0 P RU ART 1961 LotV online
2391 Gerald PL P 2–1 T KR Percival 2023 LotV online
2920 Creator KR P 2–0 Z BY Nikich 2066 LotV online
2544 YoungYakov RU Z 2–0 T RU Nicoract 2138 LotV online
3069 ByuN KR T 2–0 P KR ReBellioN 1554 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #80 Ro8 hide (4)
3069 ByuN KR T 2–0 P DE Jumy 2367 LotV online
2665 Ryung KR T 2–1 P PL Krystianer 2604 LotV online
2883 SKillous RU P 2–1 P PL Gerald 2440 LotV online
2920 Creator KR P 2–0 Z RU YoungYakov 2515 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #80 Ro4 hide (2)
3190 ByuN KR T 0–2 T KR Ryung 2820 LotV online
2883 SKillous RU P 2–0 P KR Creator 2676 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #80 Finals hide (1)
2665 Ryung KR T 2–3 P RU SKillous 3042 LotV online
Fire Grow Cup #7 Playoffs UB Ro8 hide (4)
1961 ART RU P 2–0 P RU DefMars 1476 LotV online
2379 Wayne RU Z 2–1 T RU Nicoract 2138 LotV online
1823 GgMaChine RU Z 1–2 T RU MilkiCow 2205 LotV online
2515 YoungYakov RU Z 0–2 P RU PPower 1604 LotV online
Fire Grow Cup #7 Playoffs UB Ro4 hide (2)
1809 ART RU P 0–2 Z RU Wayne 2496 LotV online
2099 MilkiCow RU T 0–2 P RU PPower 1824 LotV online
Fire Grow Cup #7 Playoffs UB Final hide (1)
2496 Wayne RU Z 3–0 P RU PPower 1604 LotV online
Fire Grow Cup #7 Playoffs LB Round 1 hide (2)
1574 GgMaChine RU Z 1–2 Z RU YoungYakov 2327 LotV online
1478 DefMars RU P 1–2 T RU Nicoract 2261 LotV online
Fire Grow Cup #7 Playoffs LB Round 2 hide (2)
1963 MilkiCow RU T 2–0 T RU Nicoract 2077 LotV online
1809 ART RU P 1–2 Z RU YoungYakov 2515 LotV online
Fire Grow Cup #7 Playoffs LB Round 3 hide (1)
2205 MilkiCow RU T 1–2 Z RU YoungYakov 2544 LotV online
Fire Grow Cup #7 Playoffs LB Round 4 hide (1)
1604 PPower RU P 0–3 Z RU YoungYakov 2515 LotV online
Fire Grow Cup #7 Playoffs Finals hide (1)
2382 Wayne RU Z 3–0 Z RU YoungYakov 2327 LotV online
HupCup #6 UB Ro32 hide (14)
1775 ReBellioN KR P 2–0 Z SE Cellsidus 1472 LotV online
1959 Vindicta US T 2–0 T US Patches 946 LotV online
2400 Jumy DE P 2–1 P US Bulmyeolja 999 LotV online
2722 trigger CA P 2–0 Z FR Matt 1045 LotV online
1916 Nikich BY Z 2–0 Z RU Hatsu 490 LotV online
2629 Krystianer PL P 2–0 P PH Dash 1133 LotV online
2099 MilkiCow RU T 2–1 P IT LetaleX 1169 LotV online
3820 Clem FR T 2–0 P MorTak LotV online
2412 Gerald PL P 2–0 R UA HackErIsTop 1176 LotV online
2077 Nicoract RU T 2–0 T BR INexorable 1582 LotV online
2243 Percival KR T 2–0 Z US ZesTea 1010 LotV online
2564 MaNa PL P 2–0 T LT Dephy 1017 LotV online
2213 arrogfire FR P 2–0 P KR Ateshi 1182 LotV online
2205 Shameless RU P 2–0 T PE kaozfate 2048 LotV online
HupCup #6 UB Ro16 hide (8)
3511 MaxPax DK P 2–0 P KR ReBellioN 1594 LotV online
1911 Vindicta US T 0–2 P DE Jumy 2367 LotV online
2722 trigger CA P 2–1 Z BY Nikich 2066 LotV online
2604 Krystianer PL P 2–1 T RU MilkiCow 2099 LotV online
3820 Clem FR T 2–0 P RU Shameless 2205 LotV online
2391 Gerald PL P 1–2 T RU Nicoract 2261 LotV online
3042 SKillous RU P 2–0 T KR Percival 2023 LotV online
2806 MaNa PL P 0–2 P FR arrogfire 2213 LotV online
HupCup #6 UB Ro8 hide (4)
3511 MaxPax DK P 1–0 P DE Jumy 2400 LotV online
2803 trigger CA P 0–2 P PL Krystianer 2629 LotV online
3501 Clem FR T 2–1 T RU Nicoract 2077 LotV online
2883 SKillous RU P 2–1 P FR arrogfire 2213 LotV online
HupCup #6 UB Ro4 hide (2)
3511 MaxPax DK P 2–0 P PL Krystianer 2629 LotV online
3820 Clem FR T 1–2 P RU SKillous 3042 LotV online
HupCup #6 UB Final hide (1)
3511 MaxPax DK P 3–0 P RU SKillous 2883 LotV online
HupCup #6 LB Round 1 hide (3)
953 Patches US T 0–1 P US Bulmyeolja 1103 LotV online
1133 Dash PH P 0–1 P IT LetaleX 1148 LotV online
1073 HackErIsTop UA R 0–1 T BR INexorable 1583 LotV online
HupCup #6 LB Round 2 hide (3)
2405 Gerald PL P 1–0 Z RU Hatsu 456 LotV online
2235 Shameless RU P 1–0 P IT LetaleX 1148 LotV online
2087 Vindicta US T 1–0 Z US ZesTea 1010 LotV online
HupCup #6 LB Round 3 hide (4)
2806 MaNa PL P 1–0 P US Bulmyeolja 999 LotV online
2440 Gerald PL P 1–0 P RU Shameless 2235 LotV online
2205 MilkiCow RU T 0–1 Z BY Nikich 2089 LotV online
1911 Vindicta US T 1–0 P KR Ateshi 1182 LotV online
HupCup #6 LB Round 4 hide (3)
2803 trigger CA P 0–1 P PL MaNa 2806 LotV online
2219 arrogfire FR P 0–1 Z BY Nikich 2066 LotV online
2077 Nicoract RU T 1–0 T US Vindicta 1959 LotV online
HupCup #6 LB Round 5 hide (2)
2806 MaNa PL P 0–1 P PL Gerald 2440 LotV online
2089 Nikich BY Z 0–1 T RU Nicoract 2138 LotV online
HupCup #6 LB Round 6 hide (2)
3820 Clem FR T 1–0 P PL Gerald 2391 LotV online
2604 Krystianer PL P 1–0 T RU Nicoract 2261 LotV online
HupCup #6 LB Round 7 hide (1)
3820 Clem FR T 1–0 P PL Krystianer 2604 LotV online
HupCup #6 LB Round 8 hide (1)
3042 SKillous RU P 1–2 T FR Clem 3820 LotV online
HupCup #6 Finals hide (1)
3654 MaxPax DK P 1–3 T FR Clem 3820 LotV online
Legacy Weekly Japan #444 Ro16 hide (4)
1272 ExAmple JP T 0–2 Z JP KAZUMO 809 LotV online
388 ark JP P 0–2 P JP Vaisravana 1796 LotV online
1660 TwoNi JP P 2–0 P JP yori 711 LotV online
1393 CriMsoN JP P 2–1 Z JP yumedoko 261 LotV online
Legacy Weekly Japan #444 Ro8 hide (4)
1456 hirekui JP T 2–1 Z JP KAZUMO 809 LotV online
1124 Deadlykitten SE P 2–0 P JP Vaisravana 1796 LotV online
831 hiyoko JP Z 1–2 P JP CriMsoN 1393 LotV online
830 kaiman JP Z 1–2 P JP TwoNi 1609 LotV online
Legacy Weekly Japan #444 Ro4 hide (2)
1191 hirekui JP T 0–2 P SE Deadlykitten 1130 LotV online
1185 CriMsoN JP P 0–2 P JP TwoNi 1660 LotV online
Legacy Weekly Japan #444 Finals hide (1)
1124 Deadlykitten SE P 2–1 P JP TwoNi 1660 LotV online
WardiTV Backers' Brawl Main Event UB Final hide (1)
3509 herO KR P 3–2 T FR Clem 3820 LotV online
WardiTV Backers' Brawl Main Event LB Round 2 hide (2)
2988 SHIN KR R 0–3 Z KR Solar 3050 LotV online
3654 MaxPax DK P 3–0 T KR GuMiho 2892 LotV online
WardiTV Backers' Brawl Main Event LB Round 3 hide (1)
3050 Solar KR R 0–3 R DK MaxPax 3594 LotV online
WardiTV Backers' Brawl Main Event LB Round 4 hide (1)
3820 Clem FR T 3–0 P DK MaxPax 3654 LotV online
WardiTV Backers' Brawl Main Event Finals hide (1)
3509 herO KR P 0–4 T FR Clem 3820 LotV online

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