StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Dates Nov. 4, 2023 to Nov. 18, 2023
Game version Legacy of the Void
On-/Offline Online
Players 57
Games 351
Matches 151
PvT 64–63 (50.39%)
PvZ 39–37 (51.32%)
TvZ 16–28 (36.36%)
Mirrors 60 PvP, 33 TvT, 11 ZvZ
Passioncraft Open Season 16 Group Stage Group H hide (16)
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Passioncraft Open Season 16 Group Stage Group G hide (15)
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Passioncraft Open Season 16 Group Stage Group F hide (21)
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Passioncraft Open Season 16 Group Stage Group E hide (21)
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Passioncraft Open Season 16 Group Stage Group D hide (23)
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Passioncraft Open Season 16 Group Stage Group C hide (20)
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Passioncraft Open Season 16 Group Stage Group B hide (18)
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Passioncraft Open Season 16 Group Stage Group A hide (17)
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