StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Dates June 28, 2024 to Aug. 27, 2024
Game version Legacy of the Void
On-/Offline Online
Prizepool $1,200
Players 62
Games 255
Matches 133
PvT 31–28 (52.54%)
PvZ 22–36 (37.93%)
TvZ 13–12 (52.00%)
Mirrors 97 PvP, 6 TvT, 10 ZvZ
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Deciding Matches 1st/2nd Goblin's Bizarre Adventure vs Itty Bitty Banana Committee hide (5)
08/27/2024 Revo FI T 0–2 P US Takuah LotV online
08/27/2024 Gorthauer RU T 0–2 T NO YourBroChris LotV online
08/27/2024 Jacky VN P 1–1 P US Bulmyeolja LotV online
08/27/2024 goblin HR T 2–0 Z DK Anticore LotV online
08/27/2024 Spazymazy DK Z 1–1 P US Heaven LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Playoffs Round 4 Itty Bitty Banana Committee vs Goblin's Bizarre Adventure hide (6)
08/25/2024 Bulmyeolja US P 1–0 P VN Jacky LotV online
08/25/2024 Heaven US P 0–2 P DK Spazymazy LotV online
08/25/2024 Takuah US P 1–1 T FI Revo LotV online
08/25/2024 Anticore DK Z 0–2 T HR goblin LotV online
08/25/2024 YourBroChris NO T 2–0 T RU Gorthauer LotV online
08/25/2024 Bulmyeolja US P 2–0 P VN Jacky LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Playoffs Round 3 Goblin's Bizarre Adventure vs Supply Block Heroes hide (5)
08/24/2024 Revo FI T 2–0 T CA CharactR LotV online
08/24/2024 Gorthauer RU T 1–1 P US XenoDactyl LotV online
08/24/2024 Jacky VN P 2–0 P FR NeWHoriZonS LotV online
08/24/2024 goblin HR T 1–1 P PL Deny LotV online
08/24/2024 Spazymazy DK Z 1–1 Z UK Iba LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Playoffs Round 2 Supply Block Heroes vs Goobers Strike Back hide (5)
08/18/2024 CharactR CA T 0–2 Z US stonester LotV online
08/18/2024 XenoDactyl US P 2–0 Z PL Tolo LotV online
08/18/2024 NeWHoriZonS FR P 1–1 Z UK Lilipadd LotV online
08/18/2024 Deny PL P 2–0 P EG Magnath LotV online
08/18/2024 Iba UK Z 1–1 Z SE Fjant LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Playoffs Round 1 Goobers Strike Back vs May The Forge Be With You hide (4)
08/17/2024 stonester US Z 2–0 P LV Rapdis LotV online
08/17/2024 Tolo PL Z 1–1 P FI GoatPuncher LotV online
08/17/2024 Magnath EG P 1–1 P FI Alluton LotV online
08/17/2024 Fjant SE Z 2–0 P NL boanaan LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Deciding Matches 4th/3rd May The Forge Be With You vs Supply Block Heroes hide (7)
08/17/2024 Lilipadd UK Z 1–1 P FI Luolis LotV online
08/10/2024 Luolis FI P 1–1 P FR NeWHoriZonS LotV online
08/10/2024 boanaan NL P 0–1 P FR NeWHoriZonS LotV online
08/10/2024 Rapdis LV P 1–1 T CA CharactR LotV online
08/10/2024 GoatPuncher FI P 1–1 P US XenoDactyl LotV online
08/10/2024 Alluton FI P 2–0 P PL Deny LotV online
08/10/2024 boanaan NL P 0–2 Z UK Iba LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Deciding Matches 5th/6th Goobers Strike Back vs Frogify Ribbit-ellion hide (5)
08/11/2024 stonester US Z 2–0 P PK Zehreela LotV online
08/11/2024 Tolo PL Z 2–0 Z UK MarsBar LotV online
08/11/2024 Lilipadd UK Z 1–1 T PL Frogos LotV online
08/11/2024 Magnath EG P 1–1 P LT GuitarKing LotV online
08/11/2024 Fjant SE Z 1–1 P NL HiGhDrA LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group B Week 5 Frogify Ribbit-ellion vs CorsAir BlueWings hide (4)
07/31/2024 Frogos PL T 1–1 P FR imData LotV online
07/31/2024 HiGhDrA NL T 1–0 Z FR Harokku LotV online
07/31/2024 Zehreela PK P 1–1 P RU Anggrath LotV online
07/31/2024 MarsBar UK Z 1–1 Z FR Harokku LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group B Week 5 Raynor's Ruptors vs Itty Bitty Banana Committee hide (3)
07/31/2024 Maykoto PE P 0–2 P US Takuah LotV online
07/31/2024 Grubenhubert DE P 0–2 P US Bulmyeolja LotV online
07/31/2024 rombuzz PL P 1–1 T NO YourBroChris LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group A Week 5 Goblin's Bizarre Adventure vs The United States of Protoss hide (3)
07/31/2024 Revo FI T 1–1 P US EchoSoldier LotV online
07/31/2024 Jacky VN P 1–1 P US Franz LotV online
07/31/2024 Gorthauer RU T 2–0 P US LeWaffles LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group A Week 5 May The Forge Be With You vs Low Skill Apologists hide (3)
07/31/2024 Luolis FI P 1–1 T US Patches LotV online
07/31/2024 Rapdis LV P 1–1 Z RU Ibiree LotV online
07/31/2024 GoatPuncher FI P 0–2 P NL BreaDy LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group A Week 5 Goobers Strike Back vs The Kitty Cabal hide (4)
07/31/2024 Fjant SE P 1–0 P FR Cobblestone LotV online
07/31/2024 stonester US Z 1–1 P FR Ardent LotV online
07/31/2024 Lilipadd UK Z 2–0 Z US Dyncommon LotV online
07/31/2024 Tolo PL Z 0–2 T US TheKazootie LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group B Week 4 Supply Block Heroes vs CorsAir BlueWings hide (4)
07/20/2024 NeWHoriZonS FR P 1–0 T DK Mag LotV online
07/20/2024 Iba UK Z 2–0 P IT Azura LotV online
07/20/2024 CharactR CA T 1–1 P RU Anggrath LotV online
07/20/2024 Deny PL P 0–2 T DK Mag LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group B Week 4 The Rottweilers vs Itty Bitty Banana Committee hide (3)
07/20/2024 RotterdaM NL P 1–1 P US Heaven LotV online
07/20/2024 SewerBadger US P 0–2 P US Takuah LotV online
07/20/2024 sebesdes CZ P 1–1 Z DK Anticore LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group B Week 4 Frogify Ribbit-ellion vs Raynor's Ruptors hide (3)
07/20/2024 HiGhDrA NL P 2–0 T NL Djorjx LotV online
07/20/2024 Zehreela PK P 1–1 P PE Maykoto LotV online
07/20/2024 GuitarKing LT P 2–0 P US Gemini LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group A Week 4 The United States of Protoss vs Low Skill Apologists hide (4)
07/20/2024 Michnek UA P 1–0 P UA Gref LotV online
07/20/2024 Michnek UA P 1–1 P UA Gref LotV online
07/20/2024 EchoSoldier US P 2–0 Z RU Ibiree LotV online
07/20/2024 Cognite US P 0–2 P IT Nisho LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group A Week 4 Goobers Strike Back vs May The Forge Be With You hide (3)
07/20/2024 Fjant SE Z 1–1 P NL boanaan LotV online
07/20/2024 Esarel CA P 0–2 P LV Rapdis LotV online
07/20/2024 Magnath EG P 1–1 P FI Alluton LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group A Week 4 Goblin's Bizarre Adventure vs The Kitty Cabal hide (3)
07/20/2024 Spazymazy DK Z 2–0 P US acheron LotV online
07/20/2024 Revo FI T 0–2 P FR Ardent LotV online
07/20/2024 goblin HR T 2–0 P FR Cobblestone LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group A Week 3 The Kitty Cabal vs Low Skill Apologists hide (4)
07/14/2024 acheron US P 1–0 P IT Nisho LotV online
07/14/2024 Cobblestone FR P 1–1 P IT Nisho LotV online
07/14/2024 TheKazootie US T 1–1 P NL BreaDy LotV online
07/14/2024 Dyncommon US Z 1–1 T US Patches LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group A Week 3 May The Forge Be With You vs The United States of Protoss hide (3)
07/14/2024 Luolis FI P 1–1 P US Franz LotV online
07/14/2024 Alluton FI P 2–0 P US Cognite LotV online
07/14/2024 GoatPuncher FI P 1–1 P US LeWaffles LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group A Week 3 Goblin's Bizarre Adventure vs Goobers Strike Back hide (3)
07/14/2024 goblin HR T 2–0 P EG Magnath LotV online
07/14/2024 Gorthauer RU T 0–2 Z PL Tolo LotV online
07/14/2024 Jacky VN P 2–0 Z UK Lilipadd LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group B Week 3 Raynor's Ruptors vs The Rottweilers hide (3)
07/13/2024 Gemini US P 2–0 P CZ sebesdes LotV online
07/13/2024 rombuzz PL P 2–0 P IL LegolandM LotV online
07/13/2024 Grubenhubert DE P 1–1 P US UncLeToBy LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group B Week 3 CorsAir BlueWings vs Itty Bitty Banana Committee hide (4)
07/13/2024 imData FR P 0–1 P US Bulmyeolja LotV online
07/13/2024 Mag DK T 1–1 Z DK Anticore LotV online
07/13/2024 Harokku FR Z 1–1 T NO YourBroChris LotV online
07/13/2024 imData FR P 1–1 P US Bulmyeolja LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group B Week 3 Supply Block Heroes vs Frogify Ribbit-ellion hide (4)
07/13/2024 Iba UK Z 1–0 P NL HiGhDrA LotV online
07/13/2024 Jesu UK T 0–2 P LT GuitarKing LotV online
07/13/2024 XenoDactyl US P 1–1 Z UK MarsBar LotV online
07/13/2024 NeWHoriZonS FR P 2–0 T PL Frogos LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group A Week 2 Goblin's Bizarre Adventure vs May The Forge Be With You hide (3)
07/07/2024 Gorthauer RU T 1–1 P FI GoatPuncher LotV online
07/07/2024 Spazymazy DK Z 1–1 P NL boanaan LotV online
07/07/2024 Revo FI T 0–2 P LV Rapdis LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group A Week 2 The Kitty Cabal vs The United States of Protoss hide (4)
07/07/2024 TheKazootie US T 2–0 P US LeWaffles LotV online
07/07/2024 Dyncommon US Z 0–1 P UA Michnek LotV online
07/07/2024 acheron US P 0–2 P UA Michnek LotV online
07/07/2024 Ardent FR P 1–1 P US EchoSoldier LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group A Week 2 Goobers Strike Back vs Low Skill Apologists hide (3)
07/07/2024 Tolo PL Z 0–2 P NL BreaDy LotV online
07/07/2024 Fjant SE Z 2–0 P UA Gref LotV online
07/07/2024 Esarel CA P 0–2 Z RU Ibiree LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group B Week 2 CorsAir BlueWings vs The Rottweilers hide (3)
07/06/2024 Harokku FR Z 2–0 P IL LegolandM LotV online
07/06/2024 Azura IT P 1–1 P NL RotterdaM LotV online
07/06/2024 Anggrath RU P 2–0 P US SewerBadger LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group B Week 2 Supply Block Heroes vs Raynor's Ruptors hide (3)
07/06/2024 XenoDactyl US P 1–1 P PL rombuzz LotV online
07/06/2024 Iba UK Z 2–0 T NL Djorjx LotV online
07/06/2024 CharactR CA T 1–1 P PE Maykoto LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group B Week 2 Frogify Ribbit-ellion vs Itty Bitty Banana Committee hide (3)
07/06/2024 MarsBar UK Z 0–2 T NO YourBroChris LotV online
07/06/2024 Zehreela PK P 0–2 P US Takuah LotV online
07/06/2024 HiGhDrA NL P 2–0 P US Heaven LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group B Week 1 Raynor's Ruptors vs CorsAir BlueWings hide (3)
06/28/2024 Gemini US P 1–1 T DK Mag LotV online
06/28/2024 Grubenhubert DE P 2–0 P FR imData LotV online
06/28/2024 Djorjx NL T 2–0 P IT Azura LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group B Week 1 Supply Block Heroes vs Itty Bitty Banana Committee hide (3)
06/28/2024 Iba UK T 1–1 P US Heaven LotV online
06/28/2024 NeWHoriZonS FR P 1–1 P US Bulmyeolja LotV online
06/28/2024 Jesu UK T 0–2 Z DK Anticore LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group B Week 1 Frogify Ribbit-ellion vs The Rottweilers hide (3)
06/28/2024 Frogos PL T 1–1 P US UncLeToBy LotV online
06/28/2024 GuitarKing LT P 0–2 P CZ sebesdes LotV online
06/28/2024 HiGhDrA NL P 1–1 P NL RotterdaM LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group A Week 1 Goblin's Bizarre Adventure vs Low Skill Apologists hide (3)
06/28/2024 goblin HR T 1–1 P IT Nisho LotV online
06/28/2024 Jacky VN P 2–0 T US Patches LotV online
06/28/2024 Spazymazy DK Z 1–1 P UA Gref LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group A Week 1 May The Forge Be With You vs The Kitty Cabal hide (4)
06/28/2024 Luolis FI P 1–1 Z US Dyncommon LotV online
06/28/2024 boanaan NL P 1–0 P US acheron LotV online
06/28/2024 Alluton FI P 1–1 P FR Cobblestone LotV online
06/28/2024 boanaan NL P 1–1 P US acheron LotV online
AllThingsProtoss Team League Season 3 Groups Stage Group A Week 1 Goobers Strike Back vs The United States of Protoss hide (3)
06/28/2024 Lilipadd UK Z 2–0 P US Franz LotV online
06/28/2024 Magnath EG P 2–0 P US Cognite LotV online
06/28/2024 Fjant SE Z 2–0 P UA Michnek LotV online

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