StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Date Dec. 12, 2015
Game version Legacy of the Void
On-/Offline Offline
Players 31
Games 105
Matches 105
PvT 22–1 (95.65%)
PvZ 5–5 (50.00%)
TvZ 6–9 (40.00%)
Mirrors 5 PvP, 17 TvT, 4 ZvZ
Gdynia Game Festival 2015 Group Stage Group D hide (28)
12/12/2015 Noga PL T 1–0 T PL Xavrox LotV offline
12/12/2015 VinCzi PL Z 0–1 T PL Noga LotV offline
12/12/2015 Tocon PL T 1–0 T PL Xavrox LotV offline
12/12/2015 plKzYEe PL T 1–0 T PL zthree LotV offline
12/12/2015 Zylcu PL Z 1–0 P PL Gerald LotV offline
12/12/2015 VinCzi PL Z 1–0 T PL zthree LotV offline
12/12/2015 Tocon PL T 0–1 P PL Gerald LotV offline
12/12/2015 Zylcu PL Z 1–0 T PL plKzYEe LotV offline
12/12/2015 Xavrox PL T 1–0 T PL zthree LotV offline
12/12/2015 Noga PL T 0–1 P PL Gerald LotV offline
12/12/2015 VinCzi PL Z 0–1 T PL plKzYEe LotV offline
12/12/2015 Zylcu PL Z 1–0 T PL Tocon LotV offline
12/12/2015 zthree PL T 0–1 P PL Gerald LotV offline
12/12/2015 Xavrox PL T 1–0 T PL plKzYEe LotV offline
12/12/2015 Noga PL T 0–1 T PL Tocon LotV offline
12/12/2015 Zylcu PL Z 1–0 Z PL VinCzi LotV offline
12/12/2015 Gerald PL P 1–0 T PL plKzYEe LotV offline
12/12/2015 zthree PL T 0–1 T PL Tocon LotV offline
12/12/2015 Xavrox PL T 0–1 Z PL VinCzi LotV offline
12/12/2015 Zylcu PL Z 1–0 T PL Noga LotV offline
12/12/2015 plKzYEe PL T 0–1 T PL Tocon LotV offline
12/12/2015 Gerald PL P 1–0 Z PL VinCzi LotV offline
12/12/2015 zthree PL T 1–0 T PL Noga LotV offline
12/12/2015 Zylcu PL Z 1–0 T PL Xavrox LotV offline
12/12/2015 Tocon PL T 1–0 Z PL VinCzi LotV offline
12/12/2015 plKzYEe PL T 1–0 T PL Noga LotV offline
12/12/2015 Gerald PL P 1–0 T PL Xavrox LotV offline
12/12/2015 Zylcu PL Z 1–0 T PL zthree LotV offline
Gdynia Game Festival 2015 Group Stage Group C hide (28)
12/12/2015 pal PL P 1–0 T PL Luntri LotV offline
12/12/2015 M1ko PL R 1–0 T PL Meodigy LotV offline
12/12/2015 ForAiur PL P 1–0 T PL Nihilum LotV offline
12/12/2015 Rodzyn PL P 1–0 T PL Molder LotV offline
12/12/2015 Meodigy PL T 0–1 T PL Luntri LotV offline
12/12/2015 M1ko PL R 1–0 T PL Nihilum LotV offline
12/12/2015 pal PL P 1–0 T PL Molder LotV offline
12/12/2015 Rodzyn PL P 1–0 P PL ForAiur LotV offline
12/12/2015 Luntri PL T 1–0 T PL Nihilum LotV offline
12/12/2015 Meodigy PL T 0–1 T PL Molder LotV offline
12/12/2015 M1ko PL R 0–1 P PL ForAiur LotV offline
12/12/2015 Rodzyn PL P 0–1 P PL pal LotV offline
12/12/2015 Nihilum PL T 0–1 T PL Molder LotV offline
12/12/2015 Luntri PL T 0–1 P PL ForAiur LotV offline
12/12/2015 Meodigy PL T 0–1 P PL pal LotV offline
12/12/2015 Rodzyn PL P 1–0 R PL M1ko LotV offline
12/12/2015 Molder PL T 0–1 P PL ForAiur LotV offline
12/12/2015 Nihilum PL T 0–1 P PL pal LotV offline
12/12/2015 Luntri PL T 1–0 R PL M1ko LotV offline
12/12/2015 Rodzyn PL P 1–0 T PL Meodigy LotV offline
12/12/2015 ForAiur PL P 0–1 P PL pal LotV offline
12/12/2015 Molder PL T 1–0 R PL M1ko LotV offline
12/12/2015 Nihilum PL T 0–1 T PL Meodigy LotV offline
12/12/2015 Rodzyn PL P 1–0 T PL Luntri LotV offline
12/12/2015 pal PL P 1–0 R PL M1ko LotV offline
12/12/2015 ForAiur PL P 1–0 T PL Meodigy LotV offline
12/12/2015 Molder PL T 1–0 T PL Luntri LotV offline
12/12/2015 Rodzyn PL P 1–0 T PL Nihilum LotV offline
Gdynia Game Festival 2015 Group Stage Group B hide (28)
12/12/2015 Nighcik PL R 0–1 Z PL Kanin LotV offline
12/12/2015 niceq PL T 1–0 R PL Kicek LotV offline
12/12/2015 KrzyMal PL P 1–0 P PL Kocyk LotV offline
12/12/2015 bOdziOWolf PL Z 0–1 Z PL Nedi LotV offline
12/12/2015 Kanin PL Z 1–0 R PL Kicek LotV offline
12/12/2015 Nighcik PL R 0–1 P PL Kocyk LotV offline
12/12/2015 niceq PL T 1–0 Z PL Nedi LotV offline
12/12/2015 bOdziOWolf PL Z 0–1 P PL KrzyMal LotV offline
12/12/2015 Kicek PL R 0–1 P PL Kocyk LotV offline
12/12/2015 Kanin PL Z 0–1 Z PL Nedi LotV offline
12/12/2015 Nighcik PL R 0–1 P PL KrzyMal LotV offline
12/12/2015 bOdziOWolf PL Z 0–1 T PL niceq LotV offline
12/12/2015 Kocyk PL P 0–1 Z PL Nedi LotV offline
12/12/2015 Kicek PL R 0–1 P PL KrzyMal LotV offline
12/12/2015 Kanin PL Z 0–1 T PL niceq LotV offline
12/12/2015 bOdziOWolf PL Z 1–0 R PL Nighcik LotV offline
12/12/2015 Nedi PL Z 1–0 P PL KrzyMal LotV offline
12/12/2015 Kocyk PL P 0–1 T PL niceq LotV offline
12/12/2015 Kicek PL R 1–0 R PL Nighcik LotV offline
12/12/2015 bOdziOWolf PL Z 0–1 Z PL Kanin LotV offline
12/12/2015 KrzyMal PL P 1–0 T PL niceq LotV offline
12/12/2015 Nedi PL Z 1–0 R PL Nighcik LotV offline
12/12/2015 Kocyk PL P 1–0 Z PL Kanin LotV offline
12/12/2015 bOdziOWolf PL Z 1–0 R PL Kicek LotV offline
12/12/2015 niceq PL T 1–0 R PL Nighcik LotV offline
12/12/2015 KrzyMal PL P 1–0 Z PL Kanin LotV offline
12/12/2015 Nedi PL Z 1–0 R PL Kicek LotV offline
12/12/2015 bOdziOWolf PL Z 0–1 P PL Kocyk LotV offline
Gdynia Game Festival 2015 Group Stage Group A hide (21)
12/12/2015 Basior PL T 1–0 R PL C2V4 LotV offline
12/12/2015 Jade PL P 1–0 T PL Floe LotV offline
12/12/2015 ArT PL P 0–1 Z PL Xaoras LotV offline
12/12/2015 Basior PL T 1–0 T PL Floe LotV offline
12/12/2015 Cdar PL R 0–1 Z PL Xaoras LotV offline
12/12/2015 ArT PL P 1–0 P PL Jade LotV offline
12/12/2015 C2V4 PL R 0–1 Z PL Xaoras LotV offline
12/12/2015 Basior PL T 0–1 P PL Jade LotV offline
12/12/2015 ArT PL P 1–0 R PL Cdar LotV offline
12/12/2015 Floe PL T 0–1 Z PL Xaoras LotV offline
12/12/2015 C2V4 PL R 0–1 R PL Cdar LotV offline
12/12/2015 ArT PL P 1–0 T PL Basior LotV offline
12/12/2015 Xaoras PL Z 1–0 P PL Jade LotV offline
12/12/2015 Floe PL T 0–1 R PL Cdar LotV offline
12/12/2015 ArT PL P 1–0 R PL C2V4 LotV offline
12/12/2015 Jade PL P 1–0 R PL Cdar LotV offline
12/12/2015 Xaoras PL Z 1–0 T PL Basior LotV offline
12/12/2015 Floe PL T 1–0 R PL Cdar LotV offline
12/12/2015 Cdar PL R 0–1 T PL Basior LotV offline
12/12/2015 Jade PL P 1–0 R PL C2V4 LotV offline
12/12/2015 ArT PL P 1–0 T PL Floe LotV offline

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