StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Dates June 8, 2019 to June 9, 2019
Game version Legacy of the Void
On-/Offline Online
Players 74
Games 373
Matches 167
PvT 45–38 (54.22%)
PvZ 25–41 (37.88%)
TvZ 45–43 (51.14%)
Mirrors 20 PvP, 43 TvT, 53 ZvZ
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #2 LB Round 6 hide (2)
06/09/2019 HalfBreed CL Z 2–1 T PE Fuego LotV online
06/09/2019 LsEbA CL Z 2–0 Z BR starmaster LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #2 LB Round 5 hide (4)
06/09/2019 Fuego PE T 2–0 P PE XionS LotV online
06/09/2019 HalfBreed CL Z 2–0 Z CR EON LotV online
06/09/2019 starmaster BR Z 2–1 P BR MimeronVex LotV online
06/09/2019 eGGz CO Z 0–2 Z CL LsEbA LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #2 LB Round 4 hide (4)
06/09/2019 XionS PE P 2–1 T PE Shellbee LotV online
06/09/2019 Identy AR Z 0–2 Z CR EON LotV online
06/09/2019 Dmega PE P 0–2 P BR MimeronVex LotV online
06/09/2019 Bombilla PE T 1–2 Z CL LsEbA LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #2 LB Round 3 hide (8)
06/09/2019 Dorminhoco BR Z 0–2 Z AR Identy LotV online
06/09/2019 Thunderfly MX Z 0–2 T PE Shellbee LotV online
06/09/2019 XionS PE P 2–1 T CL MarineBoss LotV online
06/09/2019 EON CR Z 2–1 Z GT Ryoku LotV online
06/09/2019 MimeronVex BR P 2–1 T PA NightCloNe LotV online
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06/09/2019 LsEbA CL Z 2–1 P CL Dastan LotV online
06/09/2019 ByRada VE Z 1–2 T PE Bombilla LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #2 LB Round 2 hide (8)
06/09/2019 Shellbee PE T 2–1 P BR Zuado LotV online
06/09/2019 Rider CU P 0–2 T CL MarineBoss LotV online
06/09/2019 ThuNdeR VE P 1–2 Z GT Ryoku LotV online
06/09/2019 Identy AR Z 2–0 P PE DestroyerTT LotV online
06/09/2019 Lightmator PE Z 0–2 T PA NightCloNe LotV online
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06/09/2019 ANKARU PE T 0–2 T PE Bombilla LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #2 LB Round 1 hide (14)
06/09/2019 ThuNdeR VE P 2–0 R BO Isael LotV online
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Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #2 WB Ro8 hide (4)
06/09/2019 Shakti BR P 2–1 Z BR starmaster LotV online
06/09/2019 eGGz CO Z 0–2 Z BR TheZergLord LotV online
06/09/2019 Jarppi CL T 2–0 T PE Fuego LotV online
06/09/2019 HalfBreed CL Z 0–2 Z BO DarkUnnamed LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #2 WB Ro16 hide (8)
06/09/2019 Dorminhoco BR Z 0–2 Z BR starmaster LotV online
06/09/2019 Shakti BR P 2–1 Z CR EON LotV online
06/09/2019 TheZergLord BR Z 2–1 P PE XionS LotV online
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06/09/2019 Fuego PE T 2–1 Z VE ByRada LotV online
06/09/2019 Jarppi CL T 2–0 Z CL LsEbA LotV online
06/09/2019 Dmega PE P 1–2 Z BO DarkUnnamed LotV online
06/09/2019 HalfBreed CL Z 2–0 P BR MimeronVex LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #2 WB Ro32 hide (16)
06/09/2019 starmaster BR Z 2–1 T PE ANKARU LotV online
06/09/2019 Bombilla PE T 0–2 Z BR Dorminhoco LotV online
06/09/2019 Dastan CL P 1–2 Z CR EON LotV online
06/09/2019 Shakti BR P 2–0 T MX Marea LotV online
06/09/2019 XionS PE P 2–0 Z BO DarK LotV online
06/09/2019 TheZergLord BR Z 2–0 Z CL Alejandro LotV online
06/09/2019 Lightmator PE Z 1–2 Z MX Thunderfly LotV online
06/09/2019 eGGz CO Z 2–0 T PA NightCloNe LotV online
06/09/2019 NeoNi PE P 0–2 Z VE ByRada LotV online
06/09/2019 Fuego PE T 2–0 P PE DestroyerTT LotV online
06/09/2019 LsEbA CL Z 2–0 P VE ThuNdeR LotV online
06/09/2019 Jarppi CL T 2–0 Z GT Ryoku LotV online
06/09/2019 DarkUnnamed BO Z 2–0 P CU Rider LotV online
06/09/2019 Dmega PE P 2–0 T PE KaELDavid LotV online
06/09/2019 MimeronVex BR P 2–1 T PE Shellbee LotV online
06/09/2019 HalfBreed CL Z 2–0 P BR Zuado LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #2 WB Ro64 hide (14)
06/09/2019 KAKAROTO PE T 0–2 T PE ANKARU LotV online
06/09/2019 Dorminhoco BR Z 2–0 T MX Fenix LotV online
06/09/2019 EON CR Z 2–0 T CL MarineBoss LotV online
06/09/2019 Marea MX T 2–0 T CR yermi LotV online
06/09/2019 DarK BO Z 2–0 Z CL Marte LotV online
06/09/2019 Isael BO R 0–2 Z CL Alejandro LotV online
06/09/2019 Identy AR Z 0–2 T PA NightCloNe LotV online
06/09/2019 ByRada VE Z 2–0 Z GT ELECTRIC LotV online
06/09/2019 DestroyerTT PE P 2–0 T BO delcrimen LotV online
06/09/2019 ThuNdeR VE P 2–0 T PE Gallegos LotV online
06/09/2019 Ryoku GT Z 2–0 T AR dyvaio LotV online
06/09/2019 Emperatore PE T 0–2 P CU Rider LotV online
06/09/2019 ReNzO PE Z 0–2 T PE KaELDavid LotV online
06/09/2019 Zuado BR P 2–0 P MX deki LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #1 LB Round 7 hide (2)
06/08/2019 TheZergLord BR Z 1–2 T MX Sinner LotV online
06/08/2019 DarkUnnamed BO Z 1–2 T BR TerraN LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #1 LB Round 6 hide (4)
06/08/2019 Sinner MX T 2–0 T PA NightCloNe LotV online
06/08/2019 LsEbA CL Z 1–2 Z BR TheZergLord LotV online
06/08/2019 XionS PE P 0–2 T BR TerraN LotV online
06/08/2019 DarkUnnamed BO Z 2–1 Z CR EON LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #1 LB Round 5 hide (4)
06/08/2019 Bombilla PE T 0–2 T PA NightCloNe LotV online
06/08/2019 TheZergLord BR Z 2–1 P BR Shakti LotV online
06/08/2019 Fuego PE T 0–2 T BR TerraN LotV online
06/08/2019 EON CR Z 2–0 P PE Dmega LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #1 LB Round 4 hide (8)
06/08/2019 NightCloNe PA T 2–0 P BR AlisoN LotV online
06/08/2019 Bombilla PE T 2–0 T PE ZenioM LotV online
06/08/2019 Shakti BR P 2–1 T PE KAKAROTO LotV online
06/08/2019 HiT PE P 0–2 Z BR TheZergLord LotV online
06/08/2019 MimeronVex BR P 0–2 T BR TerraN LotV online
06/08/2019 Fuego PE T 2–0 Z BR starmaster LotV online
06/08/2019 Dastan CL P 0–2 P PE Dmega LotV online
06/08/2019 EON CR Z 2–0 P BR Zuado LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #1 LB Round 3 hide (8)
06/08/2019 PROMETHEUS CU T 0–2 T PE KAKAROTO LotV online
06/08/2019 Ruru AR P 0–2 P BR AlisoN LotV online
06/08/2019 EGG AR Z 0–2 T PE ZenioM LotV online
06/08/2019 TheZergLord BR Z 2–1 T PE Shellbee LotV online
06/08/2019 Lovatel BR P 0–2 T BR TerraN LotV online
06/08/2019 Timeless PE R 0–2 Z BR starmaster LotV online
06/08/2019 MarineBoss CL T 0–2 P PE Dmega LotV online
06/08/2019 Zuado BR P 2–0 T NI CleaR LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #1 LB Round 2 hide (15)
06/08/2019 Ruru AR P 2–0 T PE ImChris LotV online
06/08/2019 ZenioM PE T 2–0 R CL iguaneitor LotV online
06/08/2019 EGG AR Z 2–0 Z GT ELECTRIC LotV online
06/08/2019 KAKAROTO PE T 2–0 Z AR Doc LotV online
06/08/2019 PROMETHEUS CU T 2–1 T PE Riddle LotV online
06/08/2019 ShO PE Z 0–2 T PE Shellbee LotV online
06/08/2019 TheZergLord BR Z 2–0 Z CU YOYI LotV online
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06/08/2019 starmaster BR Z 2–0 T Bryan LotV online
06/08/2019 Timeless PE R 2–0 T BO oscar LotV online
06/08/2019 Dmega PE P 2–0 R MIKAELIUST LotV online
06/08/2019 MarineBoss CL T 2–0 P BR Zittus LotV online
06/08/2019 CleaR NI T 2–0 Z PE SandKing LotV online
06/08/2019 Rider CU P 0–2 P BR Zuado LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #1 LB Round 1 hide (1)
06/08/2019 Lightmator PE Z 0–2 Z PE SandKing LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #1 WB Ro8 hide (4)
06/08/2019 PrintSC BR T 2–1 P PE XionS LotV online
06/08/2019 Erik BR Z 2–0 Z BO DarkUnnamed LotV online
06/08/2019 Sinner MX T 0–2 P MX Pacomike LotV online
06/08/2019 Ryu PE Z 2–0 Z CL LsEbA LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #1 WB Ro16 hide (8)
06/08/2019 XionS PE P 2–0 P PE HiT LotV online
06/08/2019 Shakti BR P 0–2 T BR PrintSC LotV online
06/08/2019 Bombilla PE T 0–2 Z BO DarkUnnamed LotV online
06/08/2019 Erik BR Z 2–0 T PA NightCloNe LotV online
06/08/2019 Pacomike MX P 2–1 Z CR EON LotV online
06/08/2019 Sinner MX T 2–0 P CL Dastan LotV online
06/08/2019 Fuego PE T 1–2 Z CL LsEbA LotV online
06/08/2019 Ryu PE Z 2–0 P BR MimeronVex LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #1 WB Ro32 hide (15)
06/08/2019 HiT PE P 2–0 P CU Rider LotV online
06/08/2019 XionS PE P 2–0 T NI CleaR LotV online
06/08/2019 PrintSC BR T 2–0 T CL MarineBoss LotV online
06/08/2019 Shakti BR P 2–0 P PE Dmega LotV online
06/08/2019 DarkUnnamed BO Z 2–0 R PE Timeless LotV online
06/08/2019 Bombilla PE T 2–0 Z BR starmaster LotV online
06/08/2019 NightCloNe PA T 2–1 P BR Lovatel LotV online
06/08/2019 Erik BR Z 2–0 T BR TerraN LotV online
06/08/2019 EON CR Z 2–0 Z BR TheZergLord LotV online
06/08/2019 Pacomike MX P 2–0 Z PE ShO LotV online
06/08/2019 Sinner MX T 2–0 T PE KAKAROTO LotV online
06/08/2019 EGG AR Z 0–2 Z CL LsEbA LotV online
06/08/2019 Fuego PE T 2–0 T PE ZenioM LotV online
06/08/2019 MimeronVex BR P 2–0 P AR Ruru LotV online
06/08/2019 Ryu PE Z 2–0 P BR AlisoN LotV online
Copa America 2019 Season 1 Qualifier #1 WB Ro64 hide (16)
06/08/2019 CleaR NI T 2–0 T PE ImChris LotV online
06/08/2019 MarineBoss CL T 2–0 R CL iguaneitor LotV online
06/08/2019 ELECTRIC GT Z 0–2 P PE Dmega LotV online
06/08/2019 Doc AR Z 0–2 R PE Timeless LotV online
06/08/2019 Riddle PE T 0–2 Z BR starmaster LotV online
06/08/2019 Lovatel BR P 2–0 T PE Shellbee LotV online
06/08/2019 YOYI CU Z 0–2 T BR TerraN LotV online
06/08/2019 TheZergLord BR Z 2–0 T PE kaozfate LotV online
06/08/2019 Bassvantage CL T 0–2 Z PE ShO LotV online
06/08/2019 Bryan T 1–2 T CU PROMETHEUS LotV online
06/08/2019 oscar BO T 0–2 T PE KAKAROTO LotV online
06/08/2019 MIKAELIUST R 0–2 Z CL LsEbA LotV online
06/08/2019 Zittus BR P 0–2 T PE ZenioM LotV online
06/08/2019 Ruru AR P 2–0 Z PE Lightmator LotV online
06/08/2019 MimeronVex BR P 2–0 Z PE SandKing LotV online
06/08/2019 AlisoN BR P 2–0 P BR Zuado LotV online

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