StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Invictus Gaming

Invictus Gaming was founded on Aug. 2, 2011.

Invictus Gaming
Short name iG
Founded Aug. 2, 2011
Players 6 (2 , 1 , 3 )
Total earnings $524,459
Offline matches 15.89%
External Homepage LP

Inactive roster

Invictus Gaming has 6 players who have been temporarily removed from the ranking due to inactivity.

# Name Rating vP vT vZ
1 CN Z iAsonu 2230 2235 2256 2199
2 CN T XY 1877 1811 1846 1973
3 CN P MacSed 1872 1763 1797 2058
4 CN Z XiGua 1763 1808 1726 1757
5 CN P Rushcrazy 1398 1387 1249 1557
6 CN Z EdisOn 985 1000 970 985

Past members

Name Joined Left
CN Z BreakingGG March 15, 2023 Dec. 30, 2023
CN P Sakura Sept. 11, 2023 Nov. 29, 2023
CN T Coffee Jan. 18, 2019 Feb. 25, 2023
CN P Jim March 30, 2012 Sept. 18, 2022
CN P Cloudy Dec. 1, 2013 Feb. 22, 2016
CN P XluoS Nov. 15, 2014
CN T Tea Oct. 1, 2013
CN Z Comm Aug. 2, 2011 June 8, 2012
CN Z GoMax Aug. 2, 2011 April 19, 2012
CN Z ArthurD
CN Z TooDming April 26, 2012
CN P xiaOt Aug. 2, 2011