StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Polaris's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

40.43% (19/47)
849 ± 160
44.44% (4/9)
839 ± 226
50.00% (8/16)
910 ± 226
31.82% (7/22)
797 ± 226
849 ± 160
839 ± 226
910 ± 226
797 ± 226
All 987 ± 160 (#674) on June 13, 2012
vP 987 ± 226 (#1290) on June 13, 2012
vT 1005 ± 202 (#699) on Sept. 19, 2012
vZ 987 ± 226 (#658) on June 13, 2012
Race Zerg
Country Singapore
AKA LittleSnail
First match April 28, 2012
Last match June 2, 2013
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 2083

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
06/02/2013 948 Polaris SG Z 0–2 T KR Apocalypse 1295 HotS online
06/02/2013 837 Polaris SG Z 2–1 P AU Washo HotS online
11/22/2012 977 Polaris SG Z 1–2 T HK Fatal 920 WoL offline
11/22/2012 845 Polaris SG Z 0–2 Z KR Zenio 1354 WoL offline
11/18/2012 977 Polaris SG Z 1–0 T AU BlaZe 959 WoL online
11/18/2012 977 Polaris SG Z 0–1 T AU danO 998 WoL online
11/10/2012 863 Polaris SG Z 2–0 P SG Rekanise 895 WoL online
11/10/2012 986 Polaris SG Z 2–1 T SG ZooM 1042 WoL online
11/10/2012 899 Polaris SG Z 1–2 Z SG Dougy 933 WoL online
11/10/2012 899 Polaris SG Z 0–2 Z SG Yekke 1140 WoL online