StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


# $$$ Player
1st $200 FR T Clem
2nd $100 DE T HeRoMaRinE
3rd–4th $50 DE Z Lambo
$50 HR P goblin
Date Oct. 5, 2020
Game version Legacy of the Void
On-/Offline Online
Prizepool $400
Players 104
Games 226
Matches 102
PvT 33–33 (50.00%)
PvZ 19–22 (46.34%)
TvZ 19–18 (51.35%)
Mirrors 34 PvP, 34 TvT, 10 ZvZ
ESL Open Cup Europe #39 Final hide (1)
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ESL Open Cup Europe #39 Ro4 hide (2)
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ESL Open Cup Europe #39 Ro8 hide (4)
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ESL Open Cup Europe #39 Ro64 hide (31)
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