StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions

50.27% (183/364)
49.62% (66/133)
48.09% (63/131)
53.85% (49/91)
30.77% (4/13)
28.57% (2/7)
33.33% (1/3)
33.33% (1/3)

The above is code that can be used in posts on

Under these filters, mOsTeN is 183–181 (50.27%) in games and 69–70 (49.64%) in matches.

PassionCraft Emerging Stars #7 hide
03/08/2025 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P IT LetaleX LotV online
PassionCraft Emerging Stars #6 hide
03/01/2025 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 T US Patches LotV online
03/01/2025 mOsTeN HU P 2–1 P RU FIIClicK LotV online
PassionCraft Emerging Stars #2 hide
02/01/2025 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P IT LetaleX LotV online
PassionCraft Emerging Stars #1 hide
01/25/2025 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 Z DK Anticore LotV online
Basilisk Big Brain Bouts #78 Bouts Match 1 hide
12/13/2024 mOsTeN HU P 3–0 P IT LetaleX LotV online
Hungarian Pro Series #5 hide
12/08/2024 mOsTeN HU P 2–3 T HU psz LotV online
12/01/2024 mOsTeN HU P 3–1 T HU Order LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 17 hide
11/16/2024 mOsTeN HU P 2–3 T KR Hvnly LotV online
11/09/2024 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 T LT Dephy LotV online
11/09/2024 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 Z PL Jemiol LotV online
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11/02/2024 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P UA Gref LotV online
11/02/2024 mOsTeN HU P 2–1 Z DK Anticore LotV online
10/26/2024 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 T DE Captainfisch LotV online
10/26/2024 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 T DK GipsyDanger LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #239 hide
08/05/2024 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 Z PL Aristori LotV online
Hungarian Pro Series #4 hide
07/27/2024 mOsTeN HU P 2–1 Z HU Freeman LotV online
07/27/2024 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 T HU Nihed LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #237 hide
07/22/2024 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
Hungarian Pro Series #4 hide
06/23/2024 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 Z HU MegaBite LotV online
06/23/2024 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 Z HU Freeman LotV online
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Hungarian Pro Series #3 hide
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02/18/2024 mOsTeN HU P 1–3 Z HU Freeman LotV online
Chat StarLeague #25 hide
02/17/2024 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 T DK GipsyDanger LotV online
Chat StarLeague #24 hide
01/27/2024 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P RU NaJi LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 16 hide
11/25/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–3 P HU WiNtER LotV online
11/18/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 Z CZ Raddow LotV online
11/18/2023 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 Z BO RyoGin LotV online
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11/04/2023 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P LT Bush LotV online
11/04/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P PL Sevnin LotV online
Vulcan Cup 2023 Championship hide
09/03/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–3 P IT Nisho LotV online
08/20/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 Z RU RARKA LotV online
08/20/2023 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 R RU Kinpach LotV online
08/20/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 Z RU RARKA LotV online
08/12/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P VN Jacky LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #187 hide
08/07/2023 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 T DE HeRoMaRinE LotV online
08/07/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P HU AZTEX LotV online
Vulcan Cup 2023 Championship hide
08/06/2023 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 Z RU RARKA LotV online
08/05/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–1 T KR universe LotV online
Chat StarLeague #19 hide
08/05/2023 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 T RU Silwercrow LotV online
08/05/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–1 T RU Maya LotV online
Migs x Vulcan Cup #1 hide
07/22/2023 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 Z PL Jemiol LotV online
Vulcan Cup 2023 Summer Season Finals hide
07/21/2023 mOsTeN HU P 3–1 T RU Kinpach LotV online
07/12/2023 mOsTeN HU P 3–2 P RU Strannik LotV online
07/07/2023 mOsTeN HU P 3–2 T KR universe LotV online
Vulcan Cup 2023 Summer EU hide
06/24/2023 mOsTeN HU P 1–4 P CZ sebesdes LotV online
06/24/2023 mOsTeN HU P 3–2 R RU Kinpach LotV online
06/11/2023 mOsTeN HU P 3–2 T PL Maro LotV online
06/10/2023 mOsTeN HU P 3–1 P DE Blutmilan LotV online
05/28/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P CZ sebesdes LotV online
05/27/2023 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 T PL Flexy LotV online
05/20/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P CZ sebesdes LotV online
05/14/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P RU Serdjao LotV online
05/14/2023 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P UA Gref LotV online
05/14/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P PL Deny LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #173 hide
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Hungarian Pro Series #2 hide
04/16/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 T HU Nihed LotV online
04/16/2023 mOsTeN HU P 3–2 T HU psz LotV online
04/16/2023 mOsTeN HU P 3–0 T HU Nihed LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Summer Regionals Europe hide
04/08/2023 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 Z HU Freeman LotV online
Hungarian Pro Series #2 hide
03/26/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–1 Z HU Freeman LotV online
03/26/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 Z HU Tutyi LotV online
Sniper's StarCraft League Team hide
03/25/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P UA Michnek LotV online
SCBoy World Team League 2023 Summer hide
03/20/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P CN yryf LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #167 hide
03/20/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–1 P UK Bromaria LotV online
03/20/2023 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 T BR Kelazhur LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #165 hide
03/06/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P DE Wingent LotV online
03/06/2023 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P PL MaNa LotV online
Sniper's StarCraft League Team hide
03/04/2023 mOsTeN HU P 1–1 T SK Hopt LotV online
03/04/2023 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 T RU Matvey LotV online
Vulcan Cup 2023 Winter EU hide
02/19/2023 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 T RU Kinpach LotV online
02/19/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 T LT Dephy LotV online
CSO Cup #55 hide
02/18/2023 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P UA NightPhoenix LotV online
CSO Cup #54 hide
02/04/2023 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P FR arrogfire LotV online
02/04/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 T RU Ficks LotV online
Vulcan Cup 2023 Winter EU hide
01/28/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–1 Z RU RARKA LotV online
01/28/2023 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P LT Bush LotV online
01/28/2023 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 P HU WiNtER LotV online
Chat StarLeague #13 hide
01/28/2023 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 Z RU Strannik LotV online
01/28/2023 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P US Cognite LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #155 hide
12/26/2022 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P RU SKillous LotV online
12/26/2022 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 Z RU imius LotV online
Sniper's StarCraft League SSL Cups #15 hide
12/17/2022 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 T UA Kas LotV online
Hungarian Pro Series #1 hide
12/11/2022 mOsTeN HU P 2–3 T HU Nihed LotV online
12/11/2022 mOsTeN HU P 3–2 T HU psz LotV online
12/11/2022 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P HU AZTEX LotV online
12/04/2022 mOsTeN HU P 2–3 T HU Nihed LotV online
12/04/2022 mOsTeN HU P 3–0 P HU WiNtER LotV online
11/06/2022 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 T HU ThorDrop LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Europe #117 hide
04/04/2022 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P HR goblin LotV online
04/04/2022 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 Z FR Napolcochon LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #115 hide
03/21/2022 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 T FR Boboop LotV online
03/21/2022 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P PL MaNa LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #111 hide
02/21/2022 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 Z DE Haku LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #109 hide
02/07/2022 mOsTeN HU P 2–1 P DE Illustrated LotV online
02/07/2022 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #85 hide
08/23/2021 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 Z FI Mixu LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 14 hide
08/14/2021 mOsTeN HU P 1–3 P CZ bArtH LotV online
maraleCup #11 hide
08/08/2021 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 T DE Soon LotV online
08/02/2021 mOsTeN HU P 2–1 Z DE Dronehard LotV online
08/02/2021 mOsTeN HU P 2–1 T DE Sonic LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #82 hide
08/02/2021 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 P DE Jumy LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 14 hide
07/14/2021 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P UK Molten LotV online
07/14/2021 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 Z CZ Raddow LotV online
07/14/2021 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P EG Magnath LotV online
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07/14/2021 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P AT DeepThought LotV online
07/14/2021 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P UK Countess LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #75 hide
06/14/2021 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P KR Zest LotV online
06/14/2021 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 T HU ProNoob LotV online
BeAsT Cup Semi Pro League #4 hide
05/24/2021 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 T DE NoMoney LotV online
05/24/2021 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 T DE GoOdy LotV online
05/24/2021 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 P KZ Bekzhan LotV online
BeAsT Cup Semi Pro League #3 hide
04/25/2021 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 T BE GreatTeacher LotV online
04/25/2021 mOsTeN HU P 0–3 T RO CuKu LotV online
04/25/2021 mOsTeN HU P 2–1 Z CZ Keiras LotV online
04/22/2021 mOsTeN HU P 2–1 Z DE Mechanics LotV online
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04/22/2021 mOsTeN HU P 2–1 P DE Rhoust LotV online
04/22/2021 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 Z HU Freeman LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #50 hide
12/21/2020 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 Z ES SouLeer LotV online
12/21/2020 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 Z MD NYO LotV online
BeAsT Cup Semi Pro League #1 hide
11/29/2020 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 Z CZ Keiras LotV online
Assembly ASUS ROG Online 2020 hide
11/22/2020 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #45 hide
11/16/2020 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P RU SpellSinger LotV online
11/16/2020 mOsTeN HU P 2–0 T FR ACinfr LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2020/21 DH SC2 Masters 2020: Winter Europe hide
10/18/2020 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 T DE vmgNarra LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #37 hide
09/21/2020 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P PL Krystianer LotV online
maraleCup #7 hide
08/27/2020 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P PL PAPI LotV online
08/20/2020 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 P NL Marsman LotV online
08/20/2020 mOsTeN HU P 1–2 Z CZ Keiras LotV online
08/20/2020 mOsTeN HU P 0–2 T ES Botvinnik LotV online
ESL Americas Open Cup #64 hide
04/17/2016 mOsTeN HU P 0–1 P US Hjax LotV online
Ultimate eSport Team League Division 1 hide
09/08/2015 mOsTeN HU P 0–1 Z FR Rotab HotS online